- BLM just turned what would have a been a speech to 25,000 people into a global pro-Trump free speech rally. Thanks BLM.130 retweets176 likes
- Trump4President and 71 others followTrump doesn't back down on his statement that “Islam hates us.” He clarifies, and it's worse, writes Gail Collins: http://nyti.ms/1YIkfzg
- Protesters cheer when Trump rally canceled, jeer supporters: http://apne.ws/1YJGPHT
- Small Biz for Trump Retweeted Czar NikoCan guarantee that after Cruz sided with anti free speech thugs, Trump numbers will climb.Small Biz for Trump added,43Czar Niko @CheckSixVa@SmallBiz4Trump @MsAvaArmstrong @tedcruz @marcorubio @JohnKasich great way to piss off the other 60% of voters. Make allies not enemies.10 retweets11 likes
- Billy Stone and 199 others followCruz on Trump Reaping What Trump Has Sown http://bit.ly/22b3iPW16 retweets15 likes
- Canterbury Ale House and 15 others followPeople, look at what Trump is doing. He is causing outrage and anger rather than unity. He wants a dictatorship. He is the modern Hitler.3 retweets7 likes
- We have close to 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS in the country now and when Trump calls them out, liberals remove "illegal" and call him racist158 retweets189 likes
- I actually think the Establishment is clueless as to what's going on. They have no idea that they have guaranteed a #Trump win!31 retweets52 likes
- Small Biz for Trump Retweeted Sean HannitySorry Sean, after @tedcruz blamed Trump instead of anti free speech thugs - I won't be watching.Small Biz for Trump added,89Sean Hannity @seanhannityMy many apologies to those wanting to see my hour with @SenTedCruz last nite. The show will air tonight 8 pm and Sunday at 9 pm.9 retweets21 likes
- carma wood and 66 others followstuart stevens Retweeted Paul KaneAgree. Not a @tedcruz guy but he's an intelligent, coherent conservative. Trump is George Wallace incoherence.stuart stevens added,10 retweets18 likes
- Only Trump will do. RetweetedPeople still think Trump is doing this for his own ego? He is risking his life for us.172 retweets254 likes
- A CBS News journalist covered the canceled Donald Trump rally until he was detained: http://cbsn.ws/1nEOo55127 retweets45 likes
- 'More than 10,000 RSVPed to a Facebook event for the protest. http://ow.ly/ZnxYF
- ‘@TedCruz argues Trump has helped create environment that “encourages…nasty discourse” http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/03/11/cruz-argues-trump-has-helped-create-environment-that-encouragesnasty-discourse/ …