- Steph RetweetedEXCLUSIVE: BOSTON GLOBE set to publish fake news, in lampoon Trump edition of Sunday paper.. http://drudgereport.com197 retweets129 likes
- slone Retweeted
- Lucy Lanoire RetweetedNiall con el actor Mark Wahlberg anoche en una cena, en Augusta. #OneDirection #YouKnowYouLoveThem @radiodisney78 retweets55 likes
- In reply to Trump Nation@trump_nation yes he's the ONLY ONE I WILL VOTE FOR ..HES THE ONLY ONE THAT WILL KEEP OUR KIDS SAFE &CARE FOR OUR VETS
- Bangkok Bacon Retweeted.@arts_matt The REAL REASONS the US invaded Iraq in 2003 http://ian56.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-lies-still-being-told-in-media.html … @BrettLeeRoberts2 retweets3 likes
- Loreena Retweeted
- Xantl RetweetedTrump team vows to win delegate majority as rivals prepare for open convention
VOTE #Trump2016 #OnlyTrump http://wpo.st/S2NT1
- Passenger Takes Pictures Of 'UFO' As Flight Passes Close To #TopSecret Area 51 Military Base http://dld.bz/ey4hE
- Think of #Trump's candidacy as a limited reentry window. One shot, rough ride. If we miss, U.S. is done. Buckle up!0 retweets0 likes
- Victoria G. Gray Retweeted‘Stay Away From Antwerp’: Syrian Warns Mother of ANOTHER Attack on Belgium - http://www.infowars.com/stay-away-from-antwerp-syrian-warns-mother-of-another-attack-on-belgium/ …