- #TedCruz "Honey, how do we get out of the #BRONX #NewYork CRUZ Kiss 95 delegates BYE cc: @CartoonGirl35 @cspanwj2 retweets0 likes
- Why is it Trump gets protester it's a badge of honor but when Cruz gets one in Bronx he gets made fun of @DaBearsk @JJGSO @hopingforachang0 retweets2 likes
- a guy yelled at ted cruz that he isnt welcome in the bronx if hes against immigration. i guess the guy didnt realize the irony there0 retweets1 like
- I miss you, NYC! Cruz Visit To Bronx High School Canceled After Students Threaten Walkout http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/cruz-bronx-lighthouse-academy … via @TPM0 retweets0 likes
- Watch Ted Cruz get heckled by New Yorkers- "Do you have your Bronx visa? You're not allowed in the Bronx!" #inners11 retweets14 likes
- If you thought you were having a bad day, take comfort in the fact you were not Ted Cruz in the Bronx. "Where's your visa? Get outta here."1 retweet1 like
- Ted Cruz backtracks on his 'New York values' insult while campaigning in the Bronx http://dlvr.it/L0VvKM
- Gotta love the Bronx crapping all over Ted Cruz.1 retweet3 likes
- Apparently @tedcruz was unaware #NewYorkValues include peaceable assembly, freedom of speech and giving the finger. http://m.nydailynews.com/new-york/cruz-bronx-school-visit-canceled-students-plan-walkout-article-1.2590946 …
- Immigrant communities in the Bronx yelling at Ted Cruz who is also an immigrant... *pat shrugs0 retweets0 likes
- ... proud of you #NYC: http://bit.ly/20ctLvt . You may play well in flyover country, @tedcruz, but overmatched where it matters.