- Barack Obama says Libya was 'worst mistake' of his presidency - The Guardian http://goo.gl/HJHPEH8 retweets6 likes
- #Always Trump and 35 others followUS President Barack Obama confessed "worst mistake" was "probably failing to plan after rightly intervening Libya"30 retweets17 likes
- US Commander: Islamic State Has 6,000 Jihadi Fighters In Hillary’s Broken Libya, Doubling In Size In One Year…
- lorischovanec and 123 others followObama Sees Not Intervening Even More in Libya as ‘Worst Mistake’ of Presidency http://news.antiwar.com/2016/04/10/obama-sees-not-intervening-even-more-in-libya-as-worst-mistake-of-presidency/ …19 retweets9 likes
- Who's in charge here? Libya's new government will have its work cut out to restore order http://econ.st/1Nd3up644 retweets39 likes
- Waldo Faldo and 120 others follow