- Ti vids RetweetedEU Council Boss says immigration crisis may never end & the EU can't send them back even though most aren't refugees
- Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel http://dlvr.it/L3F9Wb #IsraelNews29 retweets13 likes
- Karen RetweetedWarning that thousands more will head to the EU via Libya http://dailym.ai/1NoW2Y5
- dawn goodfallow and 2 others RetweetedTrump: You know who has Libya now..Hillary's baby?.... #ISIS #AlwaysTrump #TrumpTrain #MakeAmericaGreatAgain67 retweets68 likes
- lorischovanec and 199 others followHillary's Right Not a "Single" Person Lost in #Benghazi #Libya - 4 Died 4 Her Mistake http://bit.ly/1Mn0xlH
- 'Britain and the US failed Libya once. It cannot happen again' http://ind.pn/1SMLlAt
- In Libya, Islamic State struggles to gain support http://reut.rs/22tNQNf
- 4pups RetweetedInstapundit.com Retweeted Samantha PowerShouldn't you be fixing Libya?Instapundit.com added,74Samantha Power @AmbassadorPowerImportant read on persistent gender bias. #EqualPayDay https://twitter.com/CassSunstein/status/719571470284943360 …208 retweets189 likes