- CA Primary: Trump +8, Leads Women +7
VOTE #Trump2016 #California #CAPrimary #WomenForTrump http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/05/poll-trump-up-by-8-in-california-leads-among-women/ …
14 retweets22 likes
- Jon Scott Olmstead and 199 others followSo, West Hollywood told Trump he’s not welcome there… I say it’s time to schedule a rally! https://shar.es/1jaS7d14 retweets39 likes
- Trump Country and 199 others followThe Trump-Loving ‘Alt-Right’ Turns to Guns to Piss People Off http://www.vice.com/read/the-trump-loving-alt-right-turns-to-guns-to-provoke-and-offend …
- New Yorker editor: Evict Trump from New York http://politi.co/22cIYMf | AP photo33 retweets26 likes
- Marilyn Long RetweetedBethpage, Long Island. There is a massive crowd for Trump's first LOVE FEST NY campaign rally.
- Leah Retweeted20 Super PAC's 2 Political Parties 5 Media Monopolies & 194 World Leaders VS Trump This is what revolt looks like
- Holly Retweeted NC Team TrumpCruz has ridden on Trump's coattails from Day 1. Only difference, Trump takes heat Cruz cheatsHolly added,65NC Team Trump @TeamTrumpNCTrump won all AZ delegates. Cruz is in AZ trying to convince delegates to vote *against the will of people* on 2d vote. #NeverCruz13 retweets17 likes
- Judge Hal Moroz Retweeted Italians For TrumpJudge Hal Moroz added,67Italians For Trump @Italians4TrumpThere are more than 1.4 million people in the Bronx — but Ted Cruz couldn’t even muster 100 at a campaign event http://nypost.com/2016/04/06/ted-cruzs-campaign-stop-in-the-bronx-is-a-complete-dud/ …24 retweets24 likes
- Poll shows Donald Trump above 50% in New York state http://on.wsj.com/1N9qs0y
- Trump soars to majority in New York poll http://politi.co/1TCeT8B | AP photo