- Bonita Hoover and 1 other RetweetedBREAKING: Trump support among women as strong as ever @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://wapo.st/1q6ybHi?tid=ss_tw …
- Billy Stone and 199 others followIvana Trump thinks the U.S. needs immigrants to "vacuum" and "clean up after us" http://huff.to/1S2Hp4j169 retweets96 likes
- Sorry Ronald Reagan was not a snake,or have had several hookers & mistresses.Ronald Reagan a gentleman like Trump
- VoteTrumpUSA and 3 others RetweetedBuchanan: Violent Revolution if Trump Denied Nomination! http://www.eutimes.net/2016/04/violent-revolution-possible-if-trump-denied-nomination-pat-buchanan/ … @realDonaldTrump #dtmag
- Students for Trump and 2 others likedHere's your chance to let them know you're serious. Because they're still not taking you seriously. http://rsbn.tv/stop-the-steal-sign-our-petition-and-tell-the-gop-stop-trying-to-steal-the-election-from-donald-trump/ …
- Lora_4_Trump! RetweetedMormon Values
Super PAC Led by Romney Toady Announces Plan to Steal Delegates From #Trump http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/04/anti-trump-super-pac-led-romney-manager/ …
24 retweets18 likes
- GOP rep: Obama and Trump use the same tactics for striking detractors http://hill.cm/vuqZLNM