Wednesday, April 6, 2016

WEDNESDAY (night) #Poll (Who will be next president) Cruz of voter fraud, demands ‘new election’ in #Iowa

Shared publicly  -  6:41 PM
WEDNESDAY (night) #Poll CAST YOUR VOTE (Who will be next president) GOPe voter fraud #Wisconsin  Trump accuses Cruz of voter fraud, demands ‘new election’ in #Iowa . GOPe stealing delegates in #Tennessee .

BONUS Twitter Poll

#Trump  will lose in #Wyoming . A large crowd of candidates will likely compete for the nominations. There are LOTS of likely 3rd party and independent candidates in 2016 

Military Times poll of troops: #Trump 27% #Sanders22#Cruz 17% #Clinton 11% #Kasich 8%  They are now calling him “Teflon Don” –  a nod to Donald#Trump’s remarkable ability to plow through negative media coverage and inexplicably garner even more support among American voters. Now a just-released Morning Consult poll shows Mr. Trump’s approval rating jumping to 32% from 25% just last week. #GOPestablishment fears losing its clout, fears Trump or#Cruz as nominee  Trump says North Korea is China's problem #Sanders Says He Can Do Better Against Trump Than Clinton "Wholly false”: Hillary Clinton is misleading people about Bernie Sanders’ Wall Street reform, again #BillClinton rape accuser speaks out: Hillary "tried to silence" her #Election2016  

Ted #Cruz Delivers Best Performance Yet at#ClimateChange Hearing #RandPaul  and #FoxNewssays no way #Trump wins the general Election against#Sandars or #Clinton Now #Carson gets new Campaign manager #Trump tied Pope Francis as the second most admired man in the world #Sanders#Clinton spat over middle-class taxes is about a lot more than money #Rubio supporters are aligned with George Soros #Fiorina defends Trump: "Bill #Clinton is fair game" #Obama Pope #Francis  and Donald#Trump are the men Americans admire most. #Bushwants to debate Donald Trump by himself

#Sanders #Cruz   #Carson   #trump   #clinton2016  #Clinton     #trump2016   #feelthebern     #bush  #Carson2016   #Vote   #GOP   #Election2016   #Trump    #HillaryClinton #Kasich   #ElectionDay  #DemDebate   #Republican   #Benghazi   #Polls  #Foxnews   #Carson   #Election   #FeelTheBern  #BenCarson   #JebBush   #BernieSanders#JebCanFixIt   #Trumptrain   #TrumpTsunami  #TrumpLandslide 
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