- Liked 943 timesTrump's wife and daughters defend his treatment of women. http://cnn.it/1oVMeyu #TrumpFamily428 retweets943 likes
- Waldo Faldo and 199 others follow.@realDonaldTrump needs 2 speak out AGAINST behavior. CO GOP chairman getting DEATH THREATS from Trump supporters.
- Roxie RetweetedTrump's wife, daughters defend him against sexism accusations http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/276093-trumps-wife-daughters-defend-him-against-sexism … #family
- Zna Trainer and 15 others RetweetedWatch Trump Townhall on CNN at 9PM ET with his wife Melania & Ivanka, Donald Jr, Eric Trump #TrumpFamily #Trump2016382 retweets505 likes
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@hwhittle74AVID Trump supporter, wife, mother of 5 - 2 military boys, 3 daughters. 1 grandson, 1 on the way.@MelissaBurges7YUGE Trump Supporter! Wife of Retired Navy Veteran, Broker/Owner Coldwell Banker Active Real Estate.PhotosView all
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- Jonah Goldberg RetweetedTed Cruz's spokesperson's roommate's wife's nephew hired illegals! SCANDAL!! Trump Towers was built by illegals - normal business stuff.90 retweets176 likes
- MISSING MONEY??? Veterans' charities reportedly receive fraction of money raised by Trump event.