Witness in Tripoli - Yes yes I am willing to die, they are dieing. They are already out there dieing for me. I am very afraid, I am afraid but I am at home, I should not just sit, the future of Libya is at stake Thats why i am calling you, we need the media, call Obama, call anyone, we need your help.

RR: AC is back
RR: witness:
RR: snipers shooting under tents? killing anyone who passes by
RR: people recruited by the regime
RR: We are all one
RR: (denying talks of seperating the country)
RR: he's lying lying (she yells) they are the terrorists not us
RR: they are repeating what the head of the UN mission said earlier today
RR: Deputy envoy to the UN
RR: the Libyan ambassador to the US- he said that he's with the people
RR: cooper is questioning the intentions of the ambassador
Anonymoosh: keep going RR Cnn Int live in NZ atm
RR: he sat with him earlier today
RR: AC: at what point did you decide that the regime has gone far?
RR: ambassador: when he so the regime using excessive power
RR: AC: so u dont think gaddafi should step down?
RR: ambassador: i'm for the poeple with the people
RR: AC: u dont think the people wants him to step down
RR: ambassador: the people are asking to stop the killing its going too far
RR: AC: its not clear to me are u with him or not
RR: ambassador: I was surprized with what Saif said i thought he will come up with a solution, i was disappointed, it made the situation more difficult
RR: AC: haven't ur regime been detaining people and killing people
RR: ambassador: all regimes in third world countriesdo that and i'm for law
RR: AC: but u took ur orders from gaddafi, no?
RR: ambassador: gaddafi doesnt give orders, i did my job iwth dignity
RR: BEn Wedeman
RR: how are people keeping communicating
RR: they lost Ben
RR: Ajami making references to Saddam using air strikes against the Shia in the south and Kurds in the North
RR: Saif has a pHD from the London School of Economics!
fromparis: good schooling makes for too respectable tyrants
RR: Gaddafi knows the game very well
fromparis: but it's not the same thing, saddam and gaddafi
RR: a man who's willing to kill his own people
RR: its not of course.. its more of a reference of brutality
fromparis: please keep posting RR cnn international still in NZ
Vol_Moderator: Thank you again, RR!
RR: state department correspondent: Gaddafi made his hay by pointing his fingure in the face of the West
RR: HE's a cunning animal
RR: I love Ajami!!
RR: welcome Vol
RR: they are back
LordHomer: http://justin.tv/radiomando1RR: breaking news of the UN council convening in the morning at 9RR: he's interviwing Barbara Walters on her interview with himRR: she met him in the tentRR: in a grassy area with a tentRR: Gaddafi with a white suiteRR: and green shirt that gives u a headacheLordHomer: CNN US feed linked above, sorry for not labelingRR: there was a camal because he believed he's a bedoine.. a tribesmanRR: he never looked at herLordHomer: it's slightly behind RR, making him sound psychicRR: he had very odd qualitiesfromparis: french press: medical camps set up on tunisian border at Tataouine and Ben GardaneRR: he's playing a tape of a part of his interviewVol_Moderator: LOL and thank you LordHomerRR: she is asking him that ur unstable and madRR: why?RR: his answer: its because of certain circumstances around meRR: it irritates me RR: but i consider that the people around the globe do love me
RR: he believed that he's going to be the leader of the Arab World
RR: she doesnt think he is crazy
RR: he is not crazy*
Vol_Moderator: OK it's official: Barbara Walters is a moron.
RR: LOL agreed VOL
RR: AC was but people in Libya right now are saying that he's crazy
RR: she still thinks he's not!!
BeStrong: shes a twit'
BeStrong: they must be desperate for studio guests
RR: AC: u interviewed most of the leaders in the ME, did u expect this to happen?
RR: she's worried what will happen to the US
RR: which government will come
fromparis: headlines on morning press in europe.... gaddafi's losing battle
FreeBenghazi: Enough with the mid east revolts.
FreeBenghazi: to his credit, he said, that the caller from Libyan had risked his life to speak with AC360 and the least they could do is give him air time
FreeBenghazi: CNN international only showed 15mins of AC360, we've been watching reports about the NZ earthquakes
Vol_Moderator: Anderson could have lived a life of priviledge but, instead, chose a life exposing truths of some of the worst placees to live in the world
fromparis: that's the US.... french have managed to insert domestic issues into ME uprising - see scandalous french embassador to tunisia.... tunisians ask for his removal after only a few days in office
RR: yes FreeBenghazi I saw that episode
ForThePeople: Thanks,nee some rest and food
RR: i was appalled by the ALARABIYA TV coverage of Libya
RR: what the helllllll!!!
RR: they did a great job on Egypt.. and after all was done they went through a freeze!
FreeBenghazi: We've been watching AJ Arabic, English, Australian media and BBC.
FreeBenghazi: don't have the stomach for Al Arabiya