Iran Standard Time (IRST), GMT+3:30
Twitter Feeds : Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen
9:55 p.m. The sun set over four hours ago in Tehran. We have reports that some people are getting blankets and food and trying to enter Azadi Square area to spend the night there. Elsewhere, the stream of new information has slowed down, so the live blog will be taking this opportunity for a bit of a rest itself. Thank you for following us during a long and interesting day. The full details of what unfolded today in Tehran and across the rest of the Iranian nation will take some time to emerge and we at Tehran Bureau look forward to bringing you those stories.
9:25 p.m. In addition to the various reports we have featured of tear gas being used against the protesters, AFP now reports that paintbull guns were used as well. More details:
Witnesses and websites said the opposition supporters had walked in scattered crowds silently to Azadi Square from several parts of the capital as policemen kept a sharp watch and tried dispersing them.
Riot police on motorbikes armed with shotguns, tear gas, batons, paintball guns and fire extinguishers were deployed in key squares in the capital to prevent the gatherings.One witness said some demonstrators were chanting "Allahu Akbar!" (God is greatest) as they gathered around alleys near Azadi Square.Another witness described how one group of demonstrators had walked silently from Imam Hussein Square to Enghelab Square. "They are being silent and trying to keep a low profile," the witness said.
9:15 p.m. According to the BBC, witnesses report streetlights being cut off and security forces beating people under cover of the dark.
9:00 p.m. More on Mousavi's thwarted attempt to join the protests from Kaleme website via homylafayette: "Mousavi's bodyguards were told he could not leave [his house]. Mousavi then tried to obtain his car keys in order to drive to the protests, but was rebuffed. He and his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, then decided to leave on foot, at which point the police van was driven into the alley to seal off the exit."
Amnesty International has condemned the Iranian government's efforts to forestall and break up the protests:
"Iranians have a right to gather to peacefully express their support for the people of Egypt and Tunisia. While the authorities have a responsibility to maintain public order, this should be no excuse to ban and disperse protests by those who choose to exercise that right," said Hassiba Hadj-Sahraoui, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.
"This crackdown is the latest in a series of moves by the authorities aimed at blocking the work of activists and stifling dissent."
Two women give the "V" sign, which was seen often during the protests following the disputed June 2009 presidential election:

8:35 p.m. It appears that a large number of protesters were arrested in Tehran today, but we don't yet have reliable numbers to report.
Two videos from the same Tehran intersection, almost certainly shot today. A large poster described as bearing images of ayatollahs Khomeini and Khamenei is at the center of the action. In the first video, a man dressed in a sweater identified as a member of the Basij militia attempts to gather up the poster off the street as the crowd of protesters in the vicinity chants, "Na Ghaza! Na Lobnan! Tunis o Misr o Iran!" (Not Gaza! Not Lebanon! Tunisia and Egypt and Iran!). Suddenly, a fight breaks out and the purported Basij member is swarmed. We cannot confirm the man's membership in the militia, but this description of the event has been independently supported by @madyar via Twitter. In the second video, protesters attempt, without much success, to set fire to the poster:
7:55 p.m. Imam Hossein Square in Tehran is currently the scene of clashes between protesters and security forces. And we can confirm that a protest took place today in the city of Rasht, on the Caspian Sea coast. To this point, that makes five cities where we can confirm protests have happened: Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kermanshah, and Rasht.
7:25 p.m. CNN's Reza Sayah tweets, "7p Tehran witness - crowds swell to 10s of thousands - walk quietly towards Azadi sq."
Another video, very short, purportedly taken near Tehran's Enghelab Square today. We have not had many reports of the sort of burning garbage bins seen here, but we have had a couple. Although we cannot confirm when it was shot, homylafayette has pinpointed the location: "Towards the end we get a glimpse of Shahriar Hospital's sign. This clinic is situated at the corner of Karun and Azarbaijan streets, about 2 kilometers northwest of Khamenei's offices, and about 2 kilometers east of Azadi Square."
A well-sourced image of the street by Mousavi's house, closed off by a police van:

7:20 p.m. The gates of Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran's Polytechnic) were shut down in the afternoon. It seems the authorities wanted to prevent students and faculty from joining the crowd gathering in Enghelab Avenue. An eyewitness told our correspondent that he saw a few individuals being arrested. There were dozens of plainclothes agents among the demonstrators, most with their faces covered. The crowd was large, but there was not much shouting of slogans. According to the source, there is talk that some isolated demonstrators were physically attacked.
A short video claimed to have been shot today, unconfirmed:
Setareh Sabety, an Iranian writer based in France, writes,
my source in tehran young relative at azad u. told me there were many ppl on streets but also supporters of regime holding khamenei pics. tear gas. smell of burning. she was scared to death and back home! chants of marg bar diktator. tear gas sprayed at people saying it.
7:00 p.m. Another tweet from @sayahcnn: "Tehran witness 630p - 1000s walking quietly on Enghelab Ave to Azadi Sq. security forces allowing them to walk."
6:55 p.m. Multiple sources tell us that the gates of Sharif University, within walking distance of Azadi Square, have been locked since 4 p.m. No students allowed in.
@sayahcnn tweets, "Tehran witness: protesters detained in front of Tehran U - taken away on motorcycles."
6:45 p.m. We've been able to look over some videos of the 2009 protests. Though we have not found an exact match, we can say that the preceding video was almost certainly shot in June 2009, and that the new chants calling for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to meet the same fate as the recently unseated Tunisian and Egyptian dictators were added to it.
With fortuitous timing, Mousavi's Facebook page has just posted an advisory warning people to be cautious about news today and not to spread misinformation.
And an indication of why authentic videos (aside from the ones we presented earlier, shot out of moving vehicles) are proving hard to come by: Human Rights House of Iran reports that a protester was arrested in Azadi Square when he tried to capture a video of the demonstration.
Two confirmed still images from Tehran today, via BBC Persian:

6:05 p.m. From homylafeyette: "An amazing video. If authentic, it shows the first massive protest in Tehran in over a year. The only thing that makes me consider that it is possibly credible is the chant that can be heard: 'Mubarak, Ben Ali! Nobateh Seyyed Ali!' (Mubarak, Ben Ali! Now Seyyed Ali [Khamenei's] turn!) But was the chant added to an old video? I'm afraid I can't say."
[Apparently DOCTORED. Please see next post above.]
More certain sounds of 25 Bahman: A police radio recording, describing "5,000 to 6,000 going from Vali Asr to Enghelab...":
Reports of many military helicopters flying over Tehran now. According to our sources, protesters are chanting very loudly around Enghelab Square. Sounds of "Allah-o akbar!" and "Ya Hossein! Mir Hossein!" are deafening. A lot of tear gas has been fired on protesters, but they still persevere and chant.
5:55 p.m. A popular chant spins out new variations already. Now on the streets of Tehran, we're hearing, "Khamenei haya kon! Mubarak ro negah kon!" (Khamenei, have some shame! Look at Mubarak!)
@SheydaJahanbin tweets, "Heavy clashes between security and protesters in Jamalzadeh. Tear gas is fired."
5:45 p.m. Rahe Sabz reports that protesters in Kermanshah have gathered on Mosaddegh Avenue and are also on the boulevard leading to Pasaj Citadel. Security forces are stationed on Nowbahar and Mosaddegh Avenues.
Reports of a popular new chant in Tehran today: "Dictator farar kon! Mubarak ro negah kon!" (Dictator, run! Look at Mubarak!)
From homylafayette: "I personally heard this over the radio as a person on a Tehran street was being interviewed: 'Mubarak, Ben Ali! Nobateh Seyyed Ali!' (Mubarak, Ben Ali! Now Seyed Ali [Khamenei's] turn!). I also heard: 'Nezami joda sho! Ba mellat hamseda sho!' (Military, separate [from them]! Join your voice with the nation's!). Also, the sounds of cheers. Eyewitness: 'Motorcyclists attacking, but people defending themselves. Tear gas.'"
Security forces have reportedly sealed off all roads leading into central Shiraz. Only way to go is out.
5:25 p.m. Iranian journalist and blogger Reza Valizadeh, now based in Paris, reports, "Gatherings of protesters in Revolution Sq; 7th Tir Sq; Ferdousi Sq; Sadeghieh Sq. and Vali Asr crosspoint and attack by special forces has been confirmed." There are also reports of clashes at Sharif Industrial University and of the arrest of several students there.
Kaleme and Saham News -- the websites, respectively, of Mousavi and Karroubi's National Trust Party -- are both down.
Rahe Sabz is reporting that riot police are mostly being used to control the protests. Not equipped with firearms, they are using their batons and shields to corner and disperse demonstrators.
The largest gatherings of protesters are near College Square, Valiasr Square, and around Azadi and Enghelab Squares. There are also reports of more protesters moving from College Bridge toward Enghelab Square. Security forces are present in most other parts of central Tehran and are trying to stop protesters from gathering there. Though Azadi Square, the intended endpoint of the march, is filled with security forces, many protesters have made it there and are waiting for others who are still on Enghelab Avenue and trying to reach the square.
5:15 p.m. A series of tweets from CNN's Reza Sayah:
Tehran witness - pockets of crowds along Enghelab Ave. chant "death to the dictator"
Tehran witness: Clashes at Imam Hossein Square - protesters chant "Death to dictator"Tehran witness: Clashes in front of Tehran U - sec forces fire tear gas and paint balls
5:05 p.m. More reports coming in of Isfahan protests, and now confirmation of protests in Kermanshah, as well. Estimatesin those two cities and Shiraz are of thousands of participants.
And we've confirmed from multiple sources that tear gas was indeed used in Tehran's Valiasr Square to disperse protesters. Additional clashes are being reported there.
Hafte Tir Square has also been taken over by security forces like Azadi Square and protesters are finding it difficult to navigate through.
Thousands are silently marching on Enghelab Avenue toward Azadi Square. Clashes are breaking out along the route, with protesters being beaten by security forces, but the silent march continues.
4:40 p.m. Al Arabiya is also reporting that Mousavi and Rahnavard have joined the protesters. Here's an image they've published, purportedly from the streets of Tehran today:

People are now chanting, "Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein" in Enghelab Square in Tehran, where we have a report that ten people have been arrested. Rahe Sabz reports that some protesters have also gathered in Imam Hossein Square. @Persianbanoo tweets that a large crowd has also gathered in front of Amir Kabir University. Clashes are reported from Jamalzadeh, 16 Azar and Rudaki Avenues.
Al Jazeera English is reporting that protesters are marching quietly and calmly toward Azadi Square, but that the "entire square is filled with police" and it is unclear what will happen when the protesters arrive. Here's an (effectively) audio-only version of the report:
We have confirmed reports of protests in Shiraz. According to one source, "Thousands of protesters have filled Mullah Sadra Avenue and there is not an inch to spare. People are simply standing. No chants, not a lot of activity. Just thousands of protesters standing in silence. Security forces are standing close to the people, but there are no clashes." And immediately another source reports that there are clashes now. Protesters are being beaten and security is trying to disperse them.
There are also unconfirmed reports of protests in Tabriz.
4:30 p.m. @madyar tweets, "A small gathering of people in Somayeh Ave, Tehran was attacked minutes ago by security forces."
Reports that Mousavi and Rahnavard may have been able to leave their house and are on their way to join protesters in Tehran. Not yet possible to confirm.
According to "Bardia," ePersian radio's reporter on the ground, tear gas has been fired, garbage cans lit on fire, and motorcyclists beating people between Enghelab and Azadi squares. Sounds of protesters can be heard in the background. A caller into ePersian reports that in Shiraz, protesters are near Mollah Sadra and at Shiraz University.
4:20 p.m. More reported attacks by security forces: Claims that protesters have been badly beaten in Valiasr Square and along Valiasr Avenue and Rasht Avenue.
On Twitter, @madyar is reporting that 200-300 security forces have gathered in Laleh Park to stop any protesters from gathering there.
4:15 p.m. First reports of violence in Tehran: We're hearing that clashes have occurred between protesters and security forces near 16 Azar Ave and under College Bridge. Protesters have been beaten.
Cell phone service in Enghelab Square and adjacent streets in Tehran has been blocked.
Saham News, the official website of Mehdi Karroubi's National Trust Party, is being hacked, but is putting up a good fight. It's online and off, back and forth. Here's a screen capture from one of the periods when it's been down:
So much for minimalism. Here's another video, apparently of Basij duos on their motorbikes heading toward west Tehran and Azadi Square:
3:55 p.m. Rahe Sabz website reports that protests have begun in Isfahan, as well. Protesters from smaller cities like Najafabad and Khomeini Shahr are also making their way into Isfahan and are trying to gather in Enghelab Square in that city and roads around the square. Security forces are present, but people continue to gather.
A brief video, purporting to be from today, showing a crowd of security forces standing by their motorbikes on a Tehran street (Tehran Bureau's film critic suggests: Tilt your head to the left):
Turkish President Abdullah Gul used a news conference with his Iranian counterpart on Monday to call on Middle Eastern governments to listen to the demands of their people. No mention of protesters in Iran...
Unconfirmed reports that tear gas has been used on protesters in Valiasr Square, Tehran.
3:50 p.m. Details from a Wall Street Journal report filed within the past hour:
Thousands of Iranians had gathered in several squares in Tehran by midday Monday, heeding calls in recent days by opposition leaders to demonstrate in solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian protesters, who have recently toppled their regimes.
About 4,000 people had gathered in Azadi Square, in central Tehran, and more were streaming in, with dozens of police on motorbikes circling the square, according to eyewitnesses, opposition websites and Internet posts. Witnesses said a few thousand protesters had also gathered in Imam Hussein square, sitting on the ground and breaking out in chants when police tried to disperse them.
Kaleme, Mousavi's website, reports that he and his wife, Dr. Rahnavard, are still trying to leave their residence to join the protesters, but security forces won't allow them to leave.
3:35 p.m. More people are joining the march from Ferdowsi toward Enghelab Square.
With confirmation that Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife, Dr. Zahra Rahnavard, have been confined to their residence by security forces, there are now reports that Mohammad Khatami has been placed under house arrest, as well.
3:15 p.m. It's now 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the Tehran march. @madyar tweets, "Large group of people moving from Ferdowsi Square toward Enghelab Square. Security forces are also in control of the University and many of them are stationed outside its entrances."
Several sources are reporting that many metro stations in central Tehran are being closed off so protesters cannot make it into the area.
Human Rights House of Iran reports that Ali Bagheri, a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Revolution Mojahedin Organization, has been arrested.
One of the first videos claimed to have been shot today in Tehran to reach the web:
3:05 p.m. Deputy Interior Minister Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini issued the denial that a last-minute march permit had been issued.
Security forces dispersed a small crowd that was trying to gather in the Arya Shahr area of Tehran.
Enghelab Square is fully under the control of security forces. They're also stationed at all the entraces to the square. People are trying to gather, but are losing the numbers game. However, around the city, people are continuing to come out to the streets.
2:50 p.m. And the government is now publicly declaring no permit has been issued, contrary to the report from the central state news unit. That report and related ones are now disappearing.
2:50 p.m. Confirmed: The Interior Ministry has issued a permit for the Tehran march.
Unconfirmed: Reports that Turkish President Abdullah Gul will join the protesters in Tehran. Unconfirmed: Reports that Gul asked the government of Iran to give the protesters the permit to demonstrate and the government succumbed to his demands.
2:40 p.m. We're receiving reports that the number of people in Sadeghya Square is increasing by the minute. No clashes yet with the riot police who are all around. So far, just peaceful chants of "Marg bar dictator" (Down with the dictator) can be heard.
Mardomak website reports that, according to eyewitnesses, all routes to Enghelab Avenue and Azadi Square have been blocked. Police, plainclothesmen, and special security forces are not letting anyone through.
2:25 p.m. Rahe Sabz website claims activists in Isfahan and Najafabad have said that they're preparing to go out and protest today.