New York:
16:03 Reuters The Libyan Foreign Ministry supposedly announced a cease fire against what it called “terrorist groups” in Misrata. Earlier cease fires were never carried out or immediately broken.
15:33 AP Nato’s commander for Libya has deflected suggestions that international air strikes against Gaddafi’s forces are essentially providing air cover for advancing rebels, insisting Nato’s mission is purely designed to protect civilians.
15:13 Reuters British Tornado aircraft attacked and destroyed Libyan government ammunition bunkers in the Sabha area of the southern desert in the early hours of Monday, the Defence Ministry said.
15:32 Al Jazeera Arabic Libyan revolutionaries now contol Harawa, 70km east of Sirte.
15:32 Globe_info tweets: “Urgent: Rebels seize Hadhramy camp in Msallata and chase the pro-Gueddafi battalion out of the town.” They report that Msellata is now free.
15:06 CNN’s Nic Robertson tweets: “Setting off in big blue bus on govt-organized trip to #Misrata; drive should take couple hours. About 40 -50 journalists onboard. #Libya”
14:57 Reuters The process of NATO taking full command of operations in Libya will be completed “in a couple of days”. Transition is underway.
14:43 Reuters BREAKING: An opposition spokesman says pro-Gaddafi forces now control a part of Misrata
14:29 CNN’s Nic Robertson tweets: “Govt says will take journalists from Tripoli to Misrata today.”
13:45 Reuters Libyan revolutionaries are facing serious fuel shortages as their westward advance stretched their supply lines. Long queues formed at petrol stations and fuel is scooped in bottles from underground storage tanks. Food, however, was not a problem. Pick ups drove up to the ramshackle caravans of rebel vehicles and handed water, bread and cheese to the insurgents. Some seemed to be organised supplies, others more like local residents seeking to help out.
14:10 BBC UK’s Maj Gen John Lorimer said: “Over the weekend, RAF Tornado GR4s continued to conduct armed reconnaissance sorties over Libya. They hit a total of 22 tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery pieces in the vicinity of Ajdabiya and Misrata. Following the retreat of Col Gaddafi’s forces from most of the coastal towns east of Sirt, RAF Tornados have joined other Coalition aircraft patrolling over Misrata where, despite significant losses as a result of air strikes, the regime continues to mount attacks on the town.”
14:11 Al Jazeera Arabic A number of Colonels and army officers have joined the revolution in Al Kufrah
14:09 DIRECT from Misratah Gaddafi forces are bombing a number of areas in the city right now
14:05 Al Jazeera Arabic Revolutionaries are in complete control of the town of Nawfiliyah and are currently sweeping it for any remaining Gaddafi forces. The city has been quiet for the past hour as the town is experiencing a sand storm at the moment
14:01 Feb17Voices A member of the local opposition council in Misrata puts the death toll of the past 9 days in Misrata at 122, with 81 critically injured. He said 1,300 people have been injured in three weeks of violence.
12:42 Evan Hill from Al Jazeera tweets: “One source tells me the staff of new #LibyaTV in Doha is concerned about being targeted by pro-Gaddafi ppl and has already seen ‘activity’.”