Saturday, March 19, 2011

First HYPER-DAY Window advisory at 3:30 in the afternoon on Thursday March 10th. Six hours later Japan’s mega-quake struck, now Supermoon on March 19th


I published my first HYPER-DAY Window advisory at 3:30 in the afternoon on Thursday March 10th. Six hours later Japan’s mega-quake struck and one of the greatest catastrophes in recent times is still unfolding as of date of this report.
The immediate impact was cataclysmic in scale for the people of Japan. The consequences of such a blow to the world’s third largest economy may have equally significant ramifications for a global economy that’s been teetering on the brink of collapse for over two years now.
I won’t get into the details of the global economic implications of Japan’s misfortune in this report, but I will in my next TIMEWAVE REPORT due out sometime this weekend. If you are not familiar with my work on the TIMEWAVE start here. 
If you are new to my work on the Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Day phenomena please read the introduction found further down by clicking here.

March 18th – 23rd
DAYS OF PEAK INTENSIFICATION are the 19th and the 22nd.

Compounding Factors:
  • Lunar Perigree (Supermoon) on 19th
  • King Tide on the 20th
  • Month of March
It is possible that the Japan earthquake may have resulted from the approach of the above conditions. But we won’t know if there are other faults ready to give until some time after the 23rd.

Hyper-Day Characteristics and Effects
The following terms are apt descriptors of hyper-day events, effects and moods.

HYPER DAY REPORT MARCH 18-23 Click to Enlarge
  • Activating
  • Boil over
  • Agitating
  • Tipping Point
  • Breaking Point
  • Catalyzing
  • Hyper-Active
  • Erupts
  • Extraordinary
  • Exceptional
  • Intense
  • Explosive
  • Frenetic

Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days are correlated with spikes in the frequency and intensity of…
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanism
  • Solar Activity
  • Extreme Weather
  • Extreme or Unusual Human Activity
  • other extreme events e.g. animal attacks, explosions and other natural phenomena.
Such events happen all the time, but my studies have revealed that certain Tzolkin cycle days are more prone to concur with the phenomena listed for some yet unexplained reason. Links to ongoing studies are found further down.

A Twitter post I sent out on the 9th warning bout the heightened risk for extreme tectonic and human events

Review of Hyper-Day Window March 10th through the 12th
A Hyper-Day Window is the day before a Hyper-Day, the day of and the day after.
March 10th
From 1/31/11  up through 3/12/11 twenty of thirty (67%) earthquakes 6.0 and greater have concurred with Hyper-Day Windows. I did not include any of the 6.0 aftershocks following Japan’s 9.0 in that count. Mega-quakes above 8.0 disrupt the typical ebb-flow of seismic activity for a period afterward and including the resulting aftershocks would skew and obscure results sought for the purposes of my studies. Source: USGS

March 11th



The continuing confirmation of my Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Day and mega-phenomena correlation hypothesis has emboldened me to consider issuing announcements of upcoming Hyper-Day Windows. For those not familiar with my work on Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days a quick brief follows.
While tracking the Tzolkin Cycle I discovered that certain days seemed to buzz with an extra intensity. People seemed more to be more on edge and the overall activity of the day was marked by hyper-activity of sorts—hence the term Hyper-Day.
My understanding of Tzolkin cosmology had led me to conclude that the Tzolkin cycle was the mark of a very deep ordering (subtatomic) and cyclical property of the cosmos.
From a whole systems perspective I reasoned that the hyperactivity I noted in humans and their activities must also make itself apparent in other aspects of the natural world. So I conducted a study whereby I plotted daily earthquake activity over a period of months to see if the days marked as hyper-days on the Tzolkin cycle sequence had a greater share of seismic activity.
Lo and behold the study revealed that seismic activity increased both in the number of earthquakes per day and in the intensity of the earthquakes themselves. The highlight of the study showed that for a 1 year period 74 percent of temblors over 7.0 magnitude concurred with Hyper-Days.
I then performed the same study on volcanism and solar activity and both phenomena showed showed increases in activity on Hyper-Days. All 3 studies show a clear, strong and consistent correlation between Hyper-Days and spikes in activity. I must disclose that my studies have not yet been peer reviewed. That will come in due time, but in the mean time you can verify this phenomena for yourself.

Does the Cosmos have a Heart Beat?

Does the Galaxy or the Cosmos have an EKG? If so then its coded EKG looks like the Tzolkin chart further down.
The Hyper-Day effect is not causal in nature, but rather we are witnessing the manifestation of a concurrent or simultaneously occurring base level phenomena. Meaning that the flare up in activity occurs at the same time everywhere or at least within the earth-sun relationship.
My intuition tells me that the galaxy or even the very fabric of the cosmos has a synchronized pulse.
The “cosmic pulse” is felt everywhere at the same time much like the pulse in your body is felt at different ends at the same time. Each day of the Tzolkin cycle is the equivalent of a pulse and we experience each pulse at the human scale as a day-night cycle with its attendant characteristics and as modulated by the local conditions.
The local conditions being the particulars of ones genetic make up and the immediate environment. Hyper-Days mark junctures in the Tzolkin cycle where the strength of the pulse heightens to exceptional degrees.
At this point in my studies I have not looked beyond the earth-sun environment to see if the pulse is detectable on any of the other planets of the solar system. The 260 day Tzolkin cycle is discernable as a common denominator of sorts among the orbital cycles of the planets and sun. I have also found key Tzolkin cycle numbers at the foundational level of every layer of energy-matter spectrum.
Please see the article entitled The Numbers Underlying the Order of the Universe ARTSOS 2 The Tables for examples. The Table of Numbers was published as an appendage to the article The Tzolkin Cycle Code is to Humans as the Genetic Code is to Molecules.
It is safe to speculate that at a minimum the Tzolkin cycle represents galactic constants of some sort. Whatever the actuality its presence on earth is measurable and detectable to anybody who cares pay attention.
The Hyper-Day component is but one small facet of Tzolkin Cosmology. Let’s just say that it represents the tip of the very tip of the iceberg. I will soon release the methodologies by which the Tzolkin’s more difficult to believe and harder to comprehend aspects may be empirically measured . You may learn more about Tzolkin Cosmologyin the section devoted to the Art and Science of Synchronicity.

Hyper-Day Characteristics and Effects
The following terms are apt descriptors of hyper-day events, effects and moods.
  • Activating, Boil over, Agitating, Tipping Point, Breaking Point, Catalyzing, Hyper-Active, Erupts, Extraordinary,  Exceptional, Intense, Explosive, Frenetic
Some of you may even feel the Hyper-Day effect your body and mind. You may feel especially energetic, agitated, have a difficult time falling asleep or wake up sooner than normal. If you have small children you will see them extra active and more easily agitated. People are more likely to “act out” or “lose it” on hyper-days.
The same goes for animals. In fact a soon to be released study will show that animal attacks are more common on HD’s. Health issues such as headaches and migraines may flare up. Electrical equipment/systems are more apt to fail or malfunction especially if they are already on the brink. Computers may run slower and cell phone reception will fluctuate more widely.
There are other Tzolkin cycle days when one may feel and note similar perceptions and sensations. But one must track the Tzolkin cycle over enough time to determine the exact correlations.

Tracking the Hyper-Day Phenomena
There are a few options available to you in this regard. I will issue a Hyper-Day announcement post days before every Hyper-Day window. The announcement will also contain a log of the events that manifested in the previous Hyper-Day Window (HDW)
A Hyper-Day Window is the day before a Hyper-Day, the day of and the day after.
My studies have revealed that Hyper-Day effects begin manifest the day before a HD or may even occur the day after much like earthquake after-shocks.
You may also learn to track the Tzolkin cycle on your own. At the bottom of each Hyper-Day announcement page you will find a Tzolkin chart and Tzolkin date calculator to assist you with tracking. Those interested in more advanced tracking may visit theTone Cycle page.
If you are on twitter you can obtain updates by following my @Solar_Tectonicsaccount. Those who want tidbits on the whole of Tzolkin cosmology may follow my@Cosmocycle account.


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Mar 17, 2011 16:28
Thank you for sharing this and all your research and effort.
I have a question: I am staying super open minded whether Japan’s quake was caused by natural events or human induced. I am neutral either way and I know in the grand scheme of things it may not change things in the moment, but I wonder if you have any thoughts, about Japan’s quake really being natural or HAARP induced. I ask because I read this article today: and I wonder how can we really know for sure today why things are really happening?
Thanks for any thoughts you provide, in advance.
Rohaan Solare
Mar 17, 2011 16:53
@Leaf I have not seen nor heard of any evidence that would indicate that HAARP or some other purported seismic triggering system has been deployed in any seismic event. The HAARP theory as seismic weapon is pure speculation until someone can show a correlation between HAARP activity and seismic events.
The graph shown on the link you provided is a measure of the earth’s magnetic (magneto-meter) field. On the day before the earthquake the earth was struck by a fast moving coronal mass ejection. That caused a geomagnetic storm that lasted 2 days the 10 and the 11th. What you see in the graph is a measure of earth’s magnetic field reacting to the influx of highly charged energy particles or protons. The graph we need to see is one that shows HAARP’s discharges into the ionospehere in relation to seismic activity. If anybody can provide a source showing HAARP discharges then I will do a study to see if there is any correlation.
Thank you for your comment
Mar 17, 2011 17:45
Hi Rohaan – thank you so much for your reply. Wow, so much stuff to get to know out there today…
[...] time/space distortion. Probably getting ready for the next hyper day. You can learn about this at Emergent Culture. There is not a lot to do to prepare other than to be aware of the kinds of experiences you might [...]
Mar 18, 2011 13:05
Shall we rule out HAARP and introduce another theory about how this event occurred. There is information out regarding high technological weaponry used by the military from underground bases in Nevada and New Mexico. These weapons were fired directly to the Japan coast at strategic places to play havoc on the plates thus causing EQ and tsunami. We already know that the military is capable of ANYTHING and takes its orders. We as humans living on this ball in space have been in the middle of many unnecessary wars, a 9/11, a presidential assassination and a deterioration from within of housing fraud. Now we are trying to piece together this horrendous event in Japan and still the information is contradictory. The Internet has as many reasons for this as there are people. We cannot believe the media, nor many Internet sites, nor ANY leadership around the world. I for one use my own inner barometer and sources to find the truth. I ask you all of the above to give to the general population a truth they can research, share and be comfortable with. ^j^
Rohaan Solare
Mar 18, 2011 14:07
@Claudette Thank you for contributing to the conversation. In order to validate any speculations about HAARP or any other theory about any purported earthquake induction technologies we need to see some evidence correlating the two phenomena. Everything else you say I can agree with, but we needn’t give our time to speculators who offer zero evidence for their claims.
Everything I’ve researched affirms that a perfect storm of elements came together to trigger Japan’s earthquake. We had a massive geomagnetic disturbance on the 10th and 11th caused by the arrival of a coronal mass ejection from the sun, a growing supermoon effect, a fault on the edge of slipping, a neap tide effect and a hyper-day effect.
We had plenty of well defined factors at play. We needn’t subscribe to fanciful and unsubstantiated claims. Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn affirms my research findings of the Solar Lunar Connection as Earthquake Triggers. This article goes into the more predice details of how highly charged particles from the sun affect plate tectonics.
This is another good video by Geologist Jim Berkland on the lunar-tidal and Month of March effect on plate tectonics.