00:43 Almanara Media reports that 32 Libyan Diplomatic cars have crossed the Libyan-Tunisian border into Tunisia. There is news that the following Libyan diplomats are in Tunisia making plans to defect and leave to Europe:
1. Abu Zaid Dorda – Chief of Intelligence
2. Shukri Ghanem – Oil Minister
3. AbulGasem AzZwai – General Secretary of the People’s Committee
4. AbdulAati Abedi – Libyan Ambassador to Tunisia
00:27 BBC Senior revolutionary commander Major General Mahmoud said coalition liaison officers were working with the rebels to organise raids against pro-Gaddafi forces. He also said that revolutionaries do have a strategy, but that fighters don’t always obey orders.
23:59 New York Times According to American officials, the CIA has inserted clandestine operatives into Libya to gather intelligence for military airstrikes and making contact with revolutionaries.
23:51 BBC‘s Jon Williams tweets: “Dozens of UK special forces&MI6 intelligence officers working inside #Libya says @nytimes – directing airstrikes and gathering intelligence”
23:30 @iyad_elbaghdadi tweets Breaking: Reports that Gaddafi’s chief of intelligence has also just defected to Tunisia.
23:21 BBC Tunisia has announced a freeze on assets belonging to the Libyan leader and his family. Prime Minister Beji Caid Sebsi told national TV the move was “the least we can do”. He added: “We had no problems making that decision.”
22:57 BBC UK Foreign Office statement on Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa: “
We can confirm that Moussa Koussa arrived at Farnborough Airport from Tunisia. He travelled here under his own free will. He has told us that he is resigning his post. We are discussing this with him and we will release further detail in due course. Moussa Koussa is one of the most senior figures in Gaddafi’s government and his role was to represent the regime internationally – something that he is no longer willing to do. We encourage those around Gaddafi to abandon him and embrace a better future for Libya that allows political transition and real reform that meets the aspirations of the Libyan people”.
22:56 British Foreign Office spokesman: Mousa Kousa no longer willing to represent the Gaddafi regime
22:48 BBC CONFIRMED: Sources have confirmed to the BBC that the Libyan foreign minister has arrived in London and that he is being interviewed to check reports that he has defected.
22:39 Reuters Moussa Kousa Libyan Foreign Minister is seeking refuge in the UK. Sources say he defected because he opposed government attacks on civilians
22:34 DIRECT from Misratah Wefaq Media have managed to call Al Hikmah Hosptail in the city and were informed that there were 4 martyrs and 4 injured from the citizens of Misratah today.
22:09 Reuters President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.
Obama signed the order, known as a presidential “finding”, within the last two or three weeks, according to four U.S. government sources familiar with the matter.

20:54 Al Jazeera Arabic and AlArabiya Al Jazeera Arabic has reported that Libya’s Foreign Minister Moussa Kousa has left Libya and is currently headed to Europe. AlArabiya meanwhile reports that Moussa Kousa has
defected from the Gaddafi regime and is currently heading to London
19:50 BBC Wednesday’s chaotic retreat by rebel forces from a number of towns and villages they had seized in recent days came after they were confronted by thousands of Chadian Republican Guards, rebel spokesman Col Ahmed Bani told reporters in Benghazi.
19:25 RANsquawk tweets: “Libya rebel military spokesman says fighting under way in Brega. Ajdabiya will be new line of defence.”
19:05 BBC Correspondents on the Libyan front line say some rebels believe a large force of pro-Gaddafi troops is coming from the south to form a pincer movement on Ajdabiya and Benghazi.
18:20 AFP The Netherlands announced on Wednesday it has frozen more than €3bn ($4bn) of assets as part of EU sanctions against Gaddafi’s government, targetting both prominent figures and entities.
18:16 ChangeInLibya tweets: #NTC Military Council confirms that Gaddafi is using his Chad connections to get weapons, elite soldiers and mercenaries. #libya #feb17″
18:10 Al Jazeera Up to 600 protesters mainly women have reportedly marched the streets of the eastern city of Benghazi on Wednesday asking coalition forces to re-strike Gaddafi’s troops.
17:21 AFP Coalition fighter planes have carried out an air strike on pro-Gaddafi forces near Ajdabiya, where rebels have gathered after retreating from Brega and Ras Lanuf, an AFP reporter says.
16:47 Jon Williams from the BBC tweets: Rebel held town of Brega now fallen to Gaddafi forces, causing panic in Ajdabiya. Rebels back where they were before weekend advance.
16:30 Reuters Libyan families fled Ajdabiya towards Benghazi on Sunday as revolutionaries flee in a panic from Gaddafi’s troops.
16:16 BBC Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez says Col Gaddafi and senior Libyan officials have tried to establish contact with the government in Madrid, ABC newspaper reported. However, the government has rejected the possibility of dialogue, she adds.
16:07 BBC French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe says the first defections of those close to Col Gaddafi in Tripoli had been reported. Addressing the French National Assembly – broadcast live on TV – Mr Juppe said: “As you said, the situation on the ground remains undecided. At the political level – and this is perhaps a sign of positive developments – the first defections around Gaddafi in Tripoli are being reported.”
15:40 Reuters Following on from those reports of heavy shelling in the rebel-held city of Misrata on Tuesday, a rebel spokesman tells Reuters that 18 civilians were killed in the attacks. The claim cannot be independently verified.
15:13 Voice of Free Libya radio: Anyone who could drive a T-55 tank to report for duty.
14:47 BBC The BBC’s Ben Brown in the eastern town of Ajdabiya says that Libyan rebels “are pretty much in full retreat now”. Our correspondent adds: “The rebels don’t have the firepower to match Gaddafi’s forces. The rebels don’t have a great will to fight. Gaddafi’s forces seem to be more resilient when it comes to fighting pitch battles.”
14:51 DIRECT from Misratah (Wefaq Media) An aid ship from Malta has just arrived at the city’s port
14:31 Reuters The Libyan government says it will sue any international company which concludes any energy deals with the rebels, Reuters is quoting a report on Libya’s official news agency.
14:00 AP Libya’s Col Gaddafi is welcome to live in Uganda, the spokesman for Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is quoted as saying by the Associated Press.
13:40 Sky News UK Foreign Secretary tells MPs that five Libyan diplomats have been expelled from the UK as they could pose a threat to security.
13:27 AFP Pro-Gaddafi forces are pounding the western city of Misrata with heavy artillery, revolutionaries say.
12:31 BBC The BBC’s defence correspondent Nick Childs writes: “Clearly, the rebels remain outgunned by Col Gadaffi’s forces. The arms that might be most useful to them – for example, to attack tanks – also present the most problems, both politically and practically. A major challenge would be training people to use them. It’s not just a question of teaching people technically how to aim and fire them. Given how disorganised the rebels remain, there’s also the issue of teaching them better tactics to make them more effective. Clearly there are a range of options. But whatever they are – helping the rebels to use existing weaponry more effectively, supplying other types of equipment, or actually handing over new weaponry – there’ll be the need for expert advisors. Who would they be, and where could the training take place? Inside Libya, or in another host country? It’ll all take time, effort, and money. And, if the aim is to help maintain the momentum of the uprising, it might not be in time. Serious military training could take weeks or months.
12:20 AFP Russia’s foreign minister has warned the military coalition off arming the Libyan rebels. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told AFP that they agreed with NATO Secretary General Rasmussen that the operation was staged to protect the population, and not to arm them.
12:05 Reuters A Reuters correspondent heard aircraft and then blasts in the direction of the oil town of Ras Lanuf on Wednesday after rebels said they were retreating under bombardment by Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.
“I heard the sound of jet engines overhead three times and then a series of booms. There are more booms right now but its unclear if it’s from the jets or other types of bombardment,” Reuters correspondent Alexander Dziadosz said.
11:45 BBC The latest agency despatches from Libya suggest rebels have retaken the key oil port of Ras Lanuf, while we’re also hearing reports of coalition airstrikes near Uqaylah.
11:44 AP Warplanes have “buzzed” fighting near Ras Lanuf today but have not fired on Gaddafi’s troops.
11:27 Sky News Producer Tom Rayner tweets: Sound of aircraft over Tripoli right now – seems to be lower than yesterday judging by the noise.
11:11 Al Jazeera English The question now is why the international coalition has yet to launch air strikes on Gaddafi’s troops as they advance from Nawfaliya to Bin Jawad to Ras Lanuf. Are they obeying the letter of resolution 1973, as Christian Science Monitor writer Dan Murphy suggests on
Twitter, or is there something else going on?
10:32 BBC Revolutionaries have been trying to hold their front line after pro-Gaddafi forces recaptured several coastal towns including Ras Lanuf. But fighting is ongoing between Ras Lanuf and Bin Jawad. The BBC’s Ben Brown in Ajdabiya says he has seen the revolutionaries sending reinforcements to the front line, including four Katyusha rocket systems. Reports from the western city of Misrata say rebels there are still coming under intense attack
9:34 BBC Revolutionaries have lost the key port of Ras Lanuf and there are fears of being rolled back further, so they are praying for weaponry from western forces, says BBC’s Ben Brown. But they’re impeded as they lack any form of command structure – when they get shot at, they tend to jump into their trucks and retreat down the road, he adds.
01:11 Reuters President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the objective of a U.S. and allied campaign is to apply steady pressure on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi so that he will “ultimately step down” from power.
In an NBC News interview, Obama said military pressure and international sanctions have“greatly weakened” Gaddafi. “He does not have control over most of Libya at this point,” Obama said.
These are all political lies that Obama is telling.
It can be done so easily, a single order and the panes will attack and destroy the tanks – but they refuse to give that order!
I have no country prejudice, no leader prejudice, I am humanity, I am the voice of humanity.
The voice of dictators, tyrants and their enablers is the voice of the non-humans the ones who bring civilization destruction and have no entitlement to live on this world. They keep coming back again and again to plague our world -we must make a world in which all tyrants are forever deleted from our genetic pool.
“It can be done so easily, a single order and the panes will attack and destroy the tanks – but they refuse to give that order!”
“It can be done so easily, a single order and the panes will attack and destroy the tanks – but they refuse to give that order!”
I certainly DO and you certainly DON’T.
“Max, you have a point, but the reason that “the coalition leaders are all self serving political cowards” as you put it, is because their mission is to PROTECT CIVILIANS, not force a regime change”
Furthermore I don’t even buy the risk is a significant factor and even furthermore the coalition allowed the tanks to drive into the city again and agin in the open streets and from the outskirt sand they still did NOTHING. And even more furthermore there are tanks and artillery everywhere that are not hidden in shops. Do YOUR research Mr. “Idiot”.
Those are the wages of Nebbish cowardly leftism.
I ‘m sure all those politicians will roast with Gadaffi in Hell where they all belong along with you , their self appointed propagandist.
I wont even mention the countless billions never repaid to their taxpayers while the likes of the HOUSE OF SAUD spend their time buying up Ferrari’s, importing Beluga caviar, and having Kohler specialy gold plate the fixtures on their imported French bidets…. Oh… I guess I just did.