Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA

 Richard Wilson 
Khalifa Hifter + Moussa Koussa + (not) Secret Obama approval of CIA intervention <> freedom for the Libyan people
 Dave Reese 
@ Khalifa Hifter - the name makes me think of that old Mr. Hilter skit on Monty Python
 Manuel Pereira 
Khalifa Hifter, un ex oficial militar de Gaddafi, asignado para dirigir los rebeldes libios apoyado por ONU, EE.UU.y Coalición Globalista.
Khalifa Hifter, a former Libyan army colonel who spent nearly 20 years in Vienna, Virginia, not far from the CIA in L...
 News on Islam 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA 
 Exposing The Truth 
It has been six days since Khalifa Hifter was appointed the top military commander for the Libyan rebel forces...
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA 
 sana ullah 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA - 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA - 
 maryam arif 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA - 
 khurram aziz 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA - 
 Nouman Mustafa 
Khalifa Hifter: New Rebel Military Commander may have ties to CIA - 

Heil Hifter! Libyan rebel commander is suspected CIA agent:Khalifa Hifter has lived in northern Virginia for ov...