Libya revolt as it happened: Monday | ||
0000 That's where the BBC's live coverage of Libya ends for today. Rebel forces have been engaged in intense fighting with pro-Gaddafi troops and there is no sign of the leader easing his grip on power. Stay with the BBC News website for all the latest developments from Libya and the wider world. 2354 The BBC's Barbara Plett at the UN says that even among supporters of a no-fly zone there is scepticism about the wisdom and effectiveness of one being imposed. "Some diplomats suggest it would be more of a political measure to satisfy public demands for action." 2346 But a spokesman for the council told Reuters: "No such offer has been been put to the council as far as I am aware." 2344 Reuters says that there is still no official confirmation on the offer Col Gaddafir is reported to have made to the rebels. But a source said to be close to the rebel council told the agency that "one formula being proposed by the other side would see Gaddafi hand power to the head of parliament and leave the country with a certain guaranteed sum of money". 2339 But instead, said Mr Kusa, the president "spoke like a child" when he said those people who had sided with Col Gaddafi should be punished. 2337 Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Kusa held a press conference earlier today. (See 2003). He refered to comments by President Barack Obama, saying Libya was "very happy that he is an African American, the first African president". Mr Kusa said he thought Mr Obama was "a democratic man and he would extend his hand to others, especially people of the Third World because he came from that world". 2332 Our latest photo gallery also has some dramatic images from the front lines in Libya. 2327 Don't forget that there's extensive background information on the crisis Libya as well as analysis of all the developments on ourMiddle East and Arab unrest special report page. 2320 Libyan state TV has been showing footage this evening of what it says is the "liberated city of Bin Jawad and Ras Lanuf", saying they had been retaken by pro-Gaddafi troops. 2307 The US is increasing its financial aid to relief groups in Libya from $15m to $30m, say officials. The money will help those organisations to "meet the most urgent humanitarian needs both inside and outside Libya," said White House spokesman Tommy Vietor. 2259 Following the events at LSE last week, the Guardian reports that two other British universities, have links to the Gaddafi family. 2248 The rebels rejected the deal as it would mean an "honourable" exit for Col Gaddafi, Reuters quotes the channel as saying. 2245 More details now on the offer Al-Jazeera says Col Gaddafi has offered to the rebels. The channel's correspondent in Benghazi was told by the rebels that the leader had asked for safe passage for his family and immunity from prosecution. They would hold a People's Congress to discuss the details, it reports. 2239 "We have to pay a price for liberation," a former army commander who defected to the rebels told the Associated Press today. "We are aware of the dangers facing us and what weapons they have. As you see, most of our weapons are light ones and most of the fighters are civilians."
2230 Most of the migrants are arriving on the small southern island of Lampedusa. Port authority spokesman Vittorio Alessandro told SkyTG24 that the journey could soon become even more dangerous. "We are expecting a worsening of conditions and this puts the lives of people who have set sail at risk," he said. 2226 Mr Maroni, a member of the anti-immigration Northern League, has been among the Italian officials calling for EU help to handle the huge increase in the number of people entering Europe through Italy. 2222 Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni has said Europe is "being invaded" by migrants fleeing unrest in north Africa. "Around 8,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in the past month - a lot more than the number who came over the whole of 2010," he told reporters. 2220 Al-Jazeera is reporting that the Benghazi rebels have rejected Col Gaddafi's offer of talks, but details of what that offer was - and whether it was genuine - are still not clear.
2205 No further word as yet on that report. Al-Jazeera said Col Gaddafi has made the offer to the rebels. 2158 Al-Jazeera has just reported that Col Gaddafi is to hold a people's congress to let him stand down with guarantees. There have been various unverified rumours to this effect on Twitter today. 2154 Writing in the Telegaph, Con Coughlin says the UK mission into Benghazi - widely considered to have been bungled - "sums up the naivety that has characterised the British response to the Libyan crisis". 2147Omnia Abdul, from Manchester who has family members in Libya, tells the BBC: "Even though so many people have died, we are proud of the courage that people have shown. We heard that three of my father's relatives were killed in Zawiya, although thankfully those living in Benghazi are fine. We also know that a few friends are missing." 2142Nato has now decided to boost flights of AWACs surveillance planes over Libya from 10 to 24 hours a day, the US Ambassador to Nato, Ivo Daalder, says. 2126The pro-rebel Voice of Free Libya radio station in the east of the country reports that "a group of combatants (is now) on the outskirts of Sirte". 2115 Up to one million foreign workers and others trapped in Libya are expected to need emergency aid because of fighting, aid officials are quoted as saying by the Associated Press. |
Monday, March 7, 2011
Libya revolt as it happened: Monday