All times are in Libyan local time GMT +2

“The front-line force … is surprisingly small. Not counting supporters who bolster them in the towns along their path, it is estimated at 1,500 at most Libyans from all walks of life, from students and coffee-shop owners to businessmen who picked up whatever weapons they could and joined the fight. No one seems to know their full size, and they could be picking up new members all the time …
“The rebel force is a leaderless collection of volunteers, operating in an evolving collaboration with soldiers who deserted various units over the past month and are still be trying to organise themselves. It’s not clear who, if anyone is giving orders …
“The volunteer militiamen largely have been acting and reacting as a pack to government assaults, launching initiatives wherever they can. They ride around in dozens of pick-up trucks, some with machine guns and anti-aircraft guns strapped to the back. Some rebels have weapons, while others seem hardly able to operate a gun …
“Many of the fighters come from Benghazi, the main city in the rebel-controlled eastern half of the country. They are united by hatred for Gaddafi and a burning desire to overthrow him and establish a state under the rule of law.”

15:50 Al Jazeera After earlier targeting residential areas in Ras Lanuf, Gaddafi forces have now targeted a storage facility outside the city.
15:12 There is fierce ongoing fighting in Az-Zawiyah, Al Jazeera reports. The opposition remains in control of the city center, they say.
15:06 Al Jazeera Arabic reports that Bin Jawad has been evacuated in fear of further attacks by the Gaddafi regime.