Libyan citizen journalist Mohammed Nabbous killed in fighting in Benghazi

(Screen grab - Mohammed Nabbous)
For the past month, Libyan citizen journalist Mohammed “Mo” Nabbous moved every couple of hours to avoid detection and capture as he traveled around Benghazi recording the revolution in his country.
On Saturday, Nabbous heard several children had been killed, and he went out to capture the footage for his Livestream news channel Libya al Hurra. He had started the news channel in February, and it quickly became a central source of information for on-the-ground reports of life within war-torn Libya. Al Hurra means “freedom” in Arabic.
His trip to capture the footage of the children wound up being his last. Nabbous was killed Saturday by a shot to the head, reportedly from a sniper’s bullet, CNN reports.
Nabbous had earlier told CNN he believed the government knew who he was and there would be a price to be paid for his boldness.
This harrowing recording is Nabbous’s last report for Libya al Hurra. It’s difficult to make out what he says, but it sounds as if he’s talking about hearing gunfire:
A commenter named “FreeLibya2day” wrote under the recording:
This was his last phone. We were listening to him live and then the phone call got disconnected. He got shot on the spot by a sniper... I'm very proud of him as a Libyan. I can't wait to go to Benghazi and pray on his grave.
Nabbous’s wife, who is pregnant and due to give birth in just a month, recorded this emotional message after his death, urging people to continue to fight for democracy in Libya:
Watch live streaming video from libya17feb at
After news broke of Nabbous’s death Saturday, many Libyans sent around his favorite quote: “A Candle loses nothing by lighting another Candle,” and the original video Nabbous had shot to tell the world of what was happening in Libya. In it, Nabbous said, “I am not afraid to die; I am afraid to lose the battle.”
A true hero, Mohammed Nabbous of Sawt Libia al-Hurra, the Voice of Free Libya, was killed in fighting in Benghazi today. #Libya
Mo's death is going to paint everything today in a dismal shade. Can't help it guys, sorry.
Me too. RT @blakehounshell: Every time I look at Mohamed Nabbous's handle on my Skype account, I tear up. Can't bring myself to delete it.
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle; where you have lit so many surely no darkness can endure. RIP#MohammedNabbous, legend.
RT @mfortuin11: So heartbreaking. Watching his last stream from home, I remember thinking, just stay in this time, Mo. He looked tired. : (
Mo's wife is pregnant. I hope many people get to tell that child what a brave, brave man his father was, and he died for his country.
Mohammed Nabbous was one of the courageous voices from Benghazi broadcasting to the world from the beginning. Smart, selfless, brave.
@bencnn #MohammedNabbous will be greatly missed. So sad for his wife and unborn child.
The saddest part is that French planes are over Benghazi now. Mo didn't live long enough to see his cries for help being answered. RIP, Mo.
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