@NickKristofNicholas Kristof

BahrainRockstar Bahrain Rockstar
by DilKnml
@NickKristof will u pay me my wages if I'm not able to get to work cuz of these "peaceful protesters" blocking all major roads in#bahrain?

BahrainRockstar Bahrain Rockstar
by i_Strive_
@NickKristof will u pay me my wages if I'm not able to get to work cuz of these "peaceful protesters" blocking all major roads in#bahrain?

aliloon Aicia Peterson
@NickKristof Allowing Gaddafi free reign has enabled brutal repression everywhere.

BahrainRockstar Bahrain Rockstar
by nazzi_al_ansari
@NickKristof will u pay me my wages if I'm not able to get to work cuz of these "peaceful protesters" blocking all major roads in#bahrain?

Mashael88 Mashael Albuainain
@NickKristof who crushed who? R u seriously still "reporting"? Lol

MahaAlkhalifa Maha R. Al-Khalifa
@NickKristof I say get your facts straight then write whatever the hell you want. There's no comparison.