Ajdabiya blast not caused by NATO, chopper painted with #rebel flag near #Ajdabiya
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Ajdabiya blast not caused by NATO air strike: officialhttp://goo.gl/KvBLA #Libya
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BENGHAZI (Libye) (AFP) – Libye: les rebelles repliés à Ajdabiya, l’Otan dément toute « impasse »: BENGHAZI (Liby...http://bit.ly/hqxKqD
#Libya #Tripoli #Feb17 Gaddafi’s forces in Libya, and being seen for the first time inside Ajdabiya http://tinyurl.com/3sb5c7w
Las tropas de Gadafi bombardean Ajdabiya y entran en varias partes de la ciudad http://bit.ly/ePi0kw
Pro-Gaddafi forces have launched a surprise attack on Libyan rebels in Ajdabiya: Pro-Gaddafi… http://goo.gl/fb/WJNVa
Gaddafi forces reportedly attacking eastern town of Ajdabiya as fighters are also forced back from Brega.
TRADE EMBARGO Libyan government forces intensify shelling of rebels in Ajdabiya: Libyan gover... http://bit.ly/gWKCPT #embargo#rochdale
中新网4月10日电 据英国广播公司报道,利比亚忠于卡扎菲的部队在反对派控制的东部城镇艾杰达比亚(Ajdabiya)进行猛烈攻击。http://goo.gl/fb/1bd4A
Street battle rages for Ajdabiya: Pro-Gaddafi forces tackle Libyan opposition fighters on the… http://goo.gl/fb/wLCVy
@Liberty4Libya @rf_in_the_bush That's what I thought too but theAjdabiya defence concerned me today.Battle was in the city so should favor