Sunday, April 24, 2011

.The Freedom Fighters of Zawiya were successful in reestablishing themselves

Zawiyah Update, 4/23/2011

.The Freedom Fighters of Zawiya were successful in reestablishing themselves and have collected and organized themselves, all over again. And were capable of theliberation and control of the Midan (Main Center).And there are battles, between Gaddafi's forces and FFs, 50 mins ago, between both sides. There were a number of injuries and deaths on both sides and Willaa Tajeela, the FFs control it.There is also a revolution of the Harsha, for the first time since these eventsbegan. And they will be victorious soon, God willing, this will be a strong comeback for the FFs, God willing. This is the good news we wanted to convey to allof Libya and to Zawiya residents.The Zawiya FFs will not shut their eyes, and they will not rest, until they avenge the murderous atrocities that their city has endured. This country has been liberated from the oppressor Gaddafi and his murderous forces, the rats, with Godâ
s help.Q: My Brother, today, the Libyan TV broadcast that G released 40 Zawiya youths,what are your comments regarding todayâ
s broadcast?A: What does this mean, that Gâ
s regime releases 40 youths from Zawiya, yet he hasimprisoned not less 3000 of Zawiyaâ
s men, what is this theater that he is acting out? He has broadcast all types of lies, these are his ways. These are lies which we are very familiar with. What is this mockery? The imprisonments continue, until the day before yesterday, he had imprisoned 60 of Zawiyaâ
s residents! He has evenimprisoned those who have no link whatsoever with the Maidan, just due to some suspicion to their involvement, without any proof, resulting in random imprisonments. All of this means nothing.The FFs, are righteous, they know what their city needs, and the suffering thattheir people are enduring. God willing, the FFs will liberate their city. Thereis no going back after all of the suffering that the city of Zawiya has sustained. The FFs will not rest until justice is served and they avenge the atrocitiescommitted against their city.