Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24 - Gaddafi forces are stationed in a residential area in Brega in large number and they have 8 grad rockets firing batteries

12:55 Al Jazeera Gaddafi forces are stationed in a residential area in Brega in large number and they have 8 grad rockets firing batteries. In Ajdabiya, Gaddafi forces tried to secretly surround the city and NATO attacked them in an area called Mareer Qabes northwest of Ajdabiya, and in the southern west of the city.
Reuters12:52 Reuters There was a heavy bombardment on Misrata on Sunday, according to an opposition spokesman. “Gaddafi’s brigades started random bombardment in the early hours of this morning. The bombardment is still going on. They targeted the city centre, mainly Tripoli Street, and three residential areas.” NATO planes have been flying over, but there was no sign of air strikes.
10:42 Al Jazeera Eye witnesses say that small fishing boats, each carrying 15 Gaddafi forces, left Sirte on way to Tajoura and then to Misurata
AP10:17 AP Explosions and gunfire were heard in eastern Misrata in the very early morning hours. Much of the city was calm overnight, with revolutionaries taking over key positions and clearing many buildings from snipers. Libyan deputy foreign minister Khaled Kaim has said troops have halted operations to enable tribal elders to negotiate with the opposition. If they don’t surrender within two days, the tribesmen will fight them instead of the army, he said. Many people fear that soldiers will return in plain clothes so as to appear as tribesmen.
AFP10:15 AFP On Saturday, 28 people were killed in the fighting and 100 wounded. This is much higher than the daily average of 11 killed. Early on Sunday, Grad rockets hit the city and automatic weapons were heard in bursts.