Sunday, April 24, 2011

Misrata - Just snipers, shooting at everything “bad” that moves. Gaddafi says "Most of the buildings in Misrata are destroyed by rebels"

Comprehensive Misrata update

Here is a comprehensive update from Misrata from Wefaq Libya, FreedomgroupTV and Marwan AlMisrati. Thanks very much to ChangeInLibyafor this translation!
“At exactly 4am this morning, the Freedom Fighters led a daring attack on Bin Salah building and the vegetable market. We managed to arrest many of Gaddafi’s forces and we also seized ammo and weapons from them. However, some soldiers refused to surrender and unfortunately we had to kill them. From the soldiers we killed, there were many mercenaries. 3 of them from Niger and 2 from Mali.”
“As for Bin Salah building, there is an unbelievable amount of destruction, and it is the most damaged area in the city. This is due to Gaddafi’s constant mortar and rocket-launcher shelling on the residential areas. It’s very clear that Gaddafi’s soldiers destroyed all the homes they broke into, and they stole food, gold, everything.”
“They absolutely destroyed many apartment buildings even thought here was no one in them, except for a few families that were kidnapped by Gaddafi’s forces and used as human shields/hostages in Bin Salah. We managed to free these families and they are all safe and sound now.”
“There are very fierce battles between us and Gaddafi’s forces to this very minute, especially in Misrata’s central hospital And a nearby apartment building called Abu-Minyar building. They are all surrounded and we arrested many of them. However, the forces in the central hospital and the building REFUSE TO SURRENDER, and we cannot guarantee their safety.”
“I want to tell the media that Gaddafi’s forces ARE NOT RETREATING, in fact, they plan to fight till the very last man. This proves that Kaim’s remarks are false and in fact, even though he said “tribes will take care of it”, we all know that the areas close to Misrata such as Zliten and Bani Walid ARE WITH US, not with Gaddafi (I don’t like the word “tribes”). And they are just waiting for the opportunity to join us. Kaim’s remarks are just covering the defeat they suffered.”
“We defeated them and we were victorious. In fact, today, we destroyed many vehicles in the vegetable market. We destroyed 8 of these tanks and we completely took control of the area. 2 tanks were also hiding inside shops so that they can’t be seen by NATO. They had tents on top of them and random items to cover them. We said “surrender and you’ll be safe” in every single building we cleared and guaranteed that we will not harm Gaddafi forces.”
“These people will be kept in Misrata and will be guaranteed a fair trial and maybe even released if they are Libyan. However mercenaries will not be released, they will be given a fair trial because they took money to come here and kill us.”
“What about the news that you captured the brigadier general Ramadan Bsheer?”
“I heard that we captured him yes, and that we also captured 50+ soldiers.” (but the caller can’t personally confirm this). This is hard to confirm right now because there is no electricity and it is dangerous to move at night but we’ll confirm it.”
“We heard that there are large amounts of martyrs today, why?”
“First of all, I want to pay my respects to these heroes. They went to rescue and evacuate families from an area that was being heavily bombarded using mortars and cluster munitions. This area was being bombarded by Gaddafi forces that were surrounded because they were hopeless. And unfortunately the freedom fighters and civilians died due to this random bombardment as they were rescuing others.”
“There are people now searching buildings and other areas in the city to defuse any booby traps/mines that were left by Gaddafi forces”
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19 Responses to Comprehensive Misrata update

  1. Jill Smith says:
    Thank you so much for English translations. Very few of us Americans speak Arabic!
  2. bohai says:
    any chance you can provide a translation of the az zawiyah update?
  3. JEANNIE says:
    Hi there. Canada here. Yes , please do Translate from now on and also subtitle Youtube Vids if possible , for us Westerners whom are closely following events in Libya via “underground” Libyans such as yourself . Its hard to tear away from the on-going developments you provide, because it is so riveting – and we are with you on this .
    At least its keeping you real busy!! Btw, that info about G’s troops NOT retreating ( wasnt sure myself) do you pass this onto NATO or do you pass it onto officials in BENG whom pass it onto Nato .
    KEEP UP THE BRAVE GOOD WORK.and thank you for ur constant updates!!
    • MishMash says:
      youtube translation. Open and brave defiance from the town of Zawia. Its a phone interview with one of the freedom fighters in Zawia who said they have renewed their open opposition to the regime and they will intensify. Interviewer asks what do you say about the 41 prisoners from Zawia who were pardoned by Gaddafi and who appeared on Libyan TV recently swearing allegiance to him? FF says that he is not surprised any more by Gaddafi’s propaganda machine. we know their brainwashing tactics. He has arrested more than 3000 from Zawia who we have not been heard from since and only yesterday they arbitrarily arrested 60. God is with us and we will have victory soon.
    • Ibraheem Ibraheem-Shawky says:
      In the name of God, the Merciful, the Benevolent. By the grace of God, gloried and most elevated is He, the revolutionaries in the city of Al Zawiyah were able to regroup themselves, reorganize their ranks anew and assault the square and take control of it. Battles have been ongoing now for fifty minutes between us and the battalions [of Gaddafi]. There are wounded and casualties on both sides. And the area of Welad Ajira is being controlled by the rebels as well. There is also a revolution [exact term he used] and this is the first time this has happened since the start of events. By the grace of God, gloried and most elevated is He, this is a powerful comeback for the revolutionaries and Lord Willing, His victory shall arrive soon. This is an omen for the sons and daughters of our people in Libya and in Al Zawiyah the Wounded. As we have mentioned in several of the reports that we have disseminated via Al Manara and other electronic websites, the offspring of Al Zawiyah will never shut their eyelids nor will they ever rest until they avenge what has been done to Al Zawiyah at the cowardly and brutal hands of Gaddafi’s battalions that at one point in time thought it had come into possession of this city[not sure
      what 'zafelah' means. at this point, the terms become too foreign for me to distinguish. I'm an Egyptian by the way, so I apologize if any of this is unfitting]. They thought they had broken their backs. Well, here they are. They have risen once more by God’s will and victory is near, Lord Willing.
      [Interviewer asks:] My generous brother, Libyan State TV today displayed forty one persons that had been released from prison and they were from Al Zawiyah. And they were yelling pro Gaddafi chants. What is your comment on this?
      Other than media sources, I have not seen this. But what’s worth mentioning and worth knowing is that while Gaddafi has released forty one people from Al Zawiyah, his troops have arrested no less than three thousand youth, the pride and joy of Al Zawiyah, and they are made to suffer the most excruciating of pains and torture in Gaddafi’s prisons. What difference does it make for him to release a meager forty and to put on a show for us that these are reformed revolutionaries, and have this message spread throughout his misleading networks. We know and understand these underhanded tricks of his. We all know he never forgives and forgets. The day before yesterday alone, sixty people were arrested and the arrests are ongoing. This has even extended to people who have been nowhere near the square in the first place. Just a fleeting suspicion is enough to bring about one’s random detainment. So he comes out and tells us he’s released forty or fifty or even a hundred. This all means nothing, but God, gracious and exalted is He, is capable of making right prevail. And the revolutionaries are determined to see it
      through, Lord Willing. May He grant them strength until they achieve victory. Licking one’s wounds is not acceptable and is not even on the people of Al Zawiyah’s agenda as they strive to restore the pride of their glorious city that those bastards [Gaddafi's battalions] have degraded.
  4. Fredy says:
    MishMash, would you explain to me if there are any towns in Libya against the rebels and if there are any would you list them.
    Thank You
    • MishMash says:
      I dont think anyone can tell you that Fredy, certainly not me. I think any resistance to the rebels would tend to be by groups of people rather than towns. You see, 2 generations of Libyans grew up with this guy right in their face, from nursery school to university, his Green Book, his TV, press and Radio, his figure in billboards every few meters in towns and out, telling us how many years he has been in power. He has also practically closed the country to outsiders so he would not have to compete with their lifestyles or culture. In short he fully owned the country with its people for 42 years. that makes him a cult figure and those that cheer for him cult followers. This was just about bearable for the people until recently he displayed evil and cruelty bordering on the Satanic. He always ruled by the gun, but now he rules by artillery and rockets and killing children. anyway, thats all common knowledge. So in answer to your question, I dont think anyone knows how many people would love to see him go, but I would hazard a guess of 90% to 95% of the population.
  5. MishMash says:
    The ICC should hurry up with their investigations and summons before the atrocities become too numerous to be audited.
    CAIRO (Reuters) – At least 15 people were killed by booby-traps and in ambushes set up by Gaddafi brigades on Saturday while withdrawing from the Libyan city of Misrata, a rebel spokesman told Al Jazeera television.
    “I have received information about 15 people were martyred and 31 wounded as a result of ambushes by the Gaddafi brigades at the site of their withdrawal,” the spokesman, Abdel Basset Abu Mezerik, told the station.
    He said forces to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had also used “dirty methods” of booby-trapping bodies and cars while withdrawing from Misrata.
  6. patriot says:
    Rebels are liars and Western nations know this but keeps quiet.
    Most of the buildings in Misrata are destroyed by rebels as they lack precision employed by Ghaddafi army. Ghaddafi had few snipers using Telescopic rifles to target the rebels that were shelling any building believed to contain Snipers.
    RPG, grenades and Mortars were used to target these building.
    • a says:
      Stop defending a regime that is in the process of downfall. For your own good. Start imaging a Libya where you have a voice also, not only on a blog, but for real, and without being threatened or tortured. I never understood how grown-up people could enjoy to be treated like children. You don’t need “brother leader”! You’re not a sheep, you’re a human being!
    • seriously says:
      Of course…
      Colonel Monkey (no offense to monkeys) had nothing to do with e.g. the heavy artillery shelling – targeting “wide” areas – OR the tanks inside/outside the city, that – according to all the uploaded video footage – weren’t just there for decorative purposes…..
      Just snipers, shooting at everything “bad” that moves.
      How merciful. How classy. How untrue though.
      Desperate, innocent and freedom-seeking PEOPLE are dying there every day, and you come up with an incredibly dull statement, that focuses mainly on “Who dealt damage to BUILDINGS?” ?!?!?!
      This is below low-level.
    • If the rebels did the damage due to a lack of experience and professionalism, the deaths are still on Gaddaffi’s head.
      He caused this, he was given ample opportunity to just walk away as his leadership has done.
  7. Jill Smith says:
    MishMash and Ibraheem–Thanks much for the translation!
  8. Fredy says:
    Patriot . I would like to understand why you seem to disrespect the people of libya . The press has decided to call them rebels. Yet, we know they are ordinary people without extraordinary military skills.
    Are you a proud Gaddafi loyalist ?
    Are you angry at us who love the freedom fighters ?
    If you are in Libya where are you from ?
    MishMash how do you think the people of Libya who favor Gaddafi will respond when the rebels go into the city? I think that question is of major concern to the White House. Otherwise, they would have probably recognized the Interim Transitional Council as the official government entity in Libya. In my opinion the White House has no choice, is either one or the other. Some CIA experts have expressed their concern for the aftermath once the rebels are in control. They fear more bloodshed and suggest the country must be secured from persistent violence if there’s going to be elections.
  9. Operation Libya
    ‎#Misrata Rebels say Gadaffi troop withdrawal maybe 2 thwart NATO by fighting as guerillas from Zliten+Bani Walid tribes out of army uniform
    3 minutes ago…..from the facebook website.
    Rebels were preparing to resume their campaign to resist Gaddafi forces in the eastern city of Ajdabiya on Saturday, which has been in virtual stalemate for weeks.
    Gathering at the western gate leading to the city, many were armed with automatic weapons. Some kept watch, looking through binoculars next to road blocks barring civilians and journalists from entering.
    As one rebel spoke confidently of an impending victory, another fighter complained of being ill-equipped and lacking military experience in the face of Gaddafi’s forces.
    Ajdabiya and the oil town of Brega along the eastern front have been in virtual stalemate for weeks.
    Al Jezeera……………………It’s time to break that stalemate. If Gaddaffi is busy in the west and overextended, what assets could he possibly have in that desert. If the issue is supply lines, just begin with the push to Brega, then you can do the same type of probes he’s doing on you, but use them on Ras Lanouf. The movement is about perception more than anything else at this point, but it’s a perception that obviously reverberates across the free world.
    You can’t just sit there. I believe that they are trying to escape down the southern route from Ajdabiya to Jalu, or blend as civillians.
    The answer to that is to secure the road and everything north to the sea, and let them leave the theatre, but not with your equipment.
    I saw something where the captured soldiers in Misirata are being let go if they’re Libyans. They should be shipped to Benghazi, or held in a camp, on a boat or something. What did you do with the snipers, let them go too. Who would be the moe barbaric, Gaddaffi or you all. I was heartened to see that a questioned soldier didn’t want to hear about tribal politics. Someone is listening. Anyone for Easter in Brega. Nato would probably welcome it. And the field is probably clearer. Don’t forget some type of mine detection on the front…….
  10. Operation Libya Two French journalists were injured today. One was shot in the neck & is in intensive care at the hospital. AFP
    about an hour agoOperation Libya Regarding earlier tweet reporting the capture of 2 rocket launchers, weapons and ammo was in Yefren, Nafusa mountain region #Libya – @ShababLibya
  11. Shhhhhhhhhh, Outgunned, outmanuvered, in a land western land that loves tyrants more than they love the truth. Shhhhhhhh, Have you killed your Gaddaffi Soldier today.