@FraCicardiFrancesca Cicardi

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Tweets tagged with #Libya

ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement

bencnn benwedeman
Opposition fighters have re-established control of Ajdabia after three hour battle against pro-Qaddafi forces. #Libya

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
Saw an helicopter today in Ajdabia:nobody knew if it belongs to rebels,NATO or Gadafi...it didn't do anything,just scaring people...#Libya

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
@WMCLibya I'm a freelance journalist in Bengasi,could you give me any contact of your people here on the ground?thanks a lot!

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
Abdelhafeth Ghogha (official TNC spokeman):we'll go till the end of the revolution with or without NATO,this's not about NATO... #Libya

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
@hamzamu went to the press center beside Mahkama but didn't find anyone that could be you...still there?may be in another press center?

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
@hamzamu will be there in 1min,I'm wearing pink clothes, please wait for me!

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
@hamzamu ok,I'm coming! where are you exactly? how can I know you?

FraCicardi Francesca Cicardi
@hamzamu great,thanks!let me know when you're back to the press center and will be there in 1min,I'm really near...