Monday, April 25, 2011

. Right now, revolutionaries are also trying to fix the phone lines and electrical transformers and transmission lines that were completely destroyed by Gaddafi

sammy_83: Misrata update: Gaddafi forces bombarded Qasr Ahmed today (civilian area) as well as Misrata's port, which led to th death of some civiliansfairuz_online Just nowmore retweet favorite reply 
sammy_83: Misrata update: As for the revolutionaries, they continued to clean the city today and clear the roads of destroyed tanks and vehicle
sammy_83: Misrata update: And we are collecting these destroyed vehicles in an area next to the city's courts district #libya #feb17
CalyxxNC: hey's news :)
sammy_83: Misrata update: The environmental protection group is also removing dead bodies of mercenaries that were killed over the last few weeks
sammy_83: Misrata update: The environmental protection group is also removing dead bodies of mercenaries that were killed over the last few weeks 
sammy_83: Misrata update: people from going to certain roads and areas in the city to prevent them from getting any disease from these bodies #libya 
sammy_83: Sorry this tweet before the earlier update :  Misrata update: because they are starting to decompose and this can cause problems later on. In fact, the same group is also preventing
britpat: NATO 19 and wingman gone tactical 
sammy_83: Misrata update: Revolutionaries are still surrounding Gaddafi brigades in the district of Aburwaya to the west of Misrata, as well as.. 
sammy_83: Misrata update: the airport to the south of the city. Right now, revolutionaries are also trying to fix the phone lines and electrical 
sammy_83: Misrata update: transformers and transmission lines that were completely destroyed by Gaddafi brigades, to restore connections with.. 
sammy_83: Misrata update: the outside world. We also lack clean/safe drinking water, and medicine, due to the large amounts of people that were 
sammy_83: Misrata update: injured due to Gaddafi's fierce bombardment over the last couple of days. However, morale is increasing and people went out
britpat: 19 sounding very French 
sammy_83: Misrata update: of their homes today to check their shops and some people even opened their shops to encourage others to do the same
makwa2: seems a lot of french navy/nato in the air pat 
sammy_83: Misrata update: However some people are prevented from doing this because as we said some streets have been closed off due to diseases/etc