Saturday, April 30, 2011

shelling began approximately when the announcement came that #Gaddafi's son was killed.

RT @: LPC : Caller says shelling began approximately when the announcement came that 's son was killed. 

 Danny Galleguillos 

RT @ +  are being shelled by  forces, in what appears to be a retaliation to the latest news 
 Nicole Jensen 

 BreakingNews: Misrata under renewed attack by Gadhafi forces - SkyNews: BreakingNews: Misrata under...

 Ibrahim al Gaddafi ,liar, liar, pants on fire  

   pics of Gaddafi's compound - Hiding hole
 Julia C. Reinhart 

 he really that tactical? RT @ Gaddafi aiming 2 take hold of Misrata prior 2 ICC officiall… (cont) 

@ @ I hear that  needs volunteer doctors.. think Hanna will go?

RT @: LPC : Caller says shelling began approximately when the announcement came that 's son was killed. 
 Refugio Swartzwelder 

Radio Free Libya shakes up Gaddafi regime from Misrata
 Jonas Buttermann 

 look it on google earth hit  house youngest son dead
 Kayria T 

RT @ +  are being shelled by forces, in what appears to be a retaliation to the latest news | 

 crimes: Video: Injured children at the hospital in Misrata*Graphic*