00:02 DIRECT from MisratahWefaq Media have communicated that revolutionaries have defeated the mercenaries in the area of Zraig and pushed them back beyond Abu Ruwayah.
23:51 Al Jazeera Arabic A plane carrying 10 injured Libyans has arrived at Doha airport in Qatar
20:40 Al Jazeera English Rebel forces tell Al Jazeera’s Laurence Lee that American and Egyptian special forces are training them in Eastern Libya.
“A rebel fighter said that he underwent training in a secret facility in Eastern Libya where he received training by American and Egyptian secret forces.”
20:17 Al Jazeera Arabic New developments on the eastern military front. Today witnessed for the first time a greater percentage of Army officers and soldiers than volunteers and armed civilians. A constant weapons and ammunition supply was also witnessed today making its way to the front lines.
The new military organisation formed and headed by Major General AbdulFattah Younes is ensuring that only army officers and trained soldiers are fighting on the front lines from now onwards. Volunteers and armed civilians will have a restricted role and will serve as backup support only.
20:12 Al Manara Media 1300 of Gaddafi mercenaries are heading towards Zintan to attack its people right now
19:43 DIRECT from Misratah Clashes between revolutionaries and Gaddafi forces are still ongoing around the Medical Technology College and Tripoli Street. Gaddafi’s troops have blocked the sewage system but Misratah’s residents are currently working on a solution for this.
19:32 DIRECT from Misratah a number of wounded and injured people from Misratah have left Libya aboard a Turkish aid ship today. They are on their way to Turkey where they will be treated further. The ship spent 6 hours in the port before departing.
13:39 The UK Department for International Development says that Britain will provide emergency shelter for more than 10,000 people, particularly in the Ajdabiya area. As a matter of urgency, 2,100 tents will be shipped over from stocks in Dubai to provide potentially life saving shelter. Read more
11:26 Tim Wilcox from the BBC tweets: “Expected forced confession from #Libya rape victim state TV tonight. Spoke to her parents in Tobruk. Watch video here: http://bbc.in/eVzMdO ”

11:00 BBC & Al Jazeera English 15 revolutionaries were killed when a coalition air strike hit their convoy west of Ajdabiya. The BBC reports that anti-aircraft fire was shot in the air from the convoy, which may have led the coalition planes to strike. BBC and Reuters report that according to some revolutionaries, Gaddafi forces sneaked in among them and fired the weapon to bring about such an attack, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
01:30 Libya Alyoum Reports that a number of people been killed and injured due to clashes between protesters and Gaddafi’s forces in different areas of Tripoli namely Tajoura, Fashloom and Souq Al Jummah
01:13 Libya Alyoum Independent online newspaper cites reports which state that a number of Abu Sleem prisoners managed to escape after stealing guards’ weapons and are now engaged in gun battles with Gaddafi’s forces outside Baab Al Aziziyah