Retweeted by Nefermaat and others
@Abe_AlansyAbe AlansyURGENT: More than 20 dead and wounded had been kidnapped to hide the crime, and the number of wounded exceeded two thousand. new cases now.Retweeted by Nefermaat and others
Tweets from @Abe_Alansy
Abe_Alansy Abe Alansy
@Abe_AlansyAbe Alansy
URGENT: More than 20 dead and wounded had been kidnapped to hide the crime, and the number of wounded exceeded two thousand. new cases now.
Retweeted by Nefermaat and others
Tweets from @Abe_Alansy

Abe_Alansy Abe Alansy
Tweets tagged with #Sanaa
Graphic photos of injured in #sanaa tonight
Tweets from @Abe_Alansy


Courtyards that surround the field hospital filled with wounded #Sanaa #Yemen #Yf