Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Women of Tripoli, Tribes of Libya, Al-Warfella in control, Trying to fix the phone, Bodies scattered in Misrata, Even children are not safe

Women of Tripoli, Tribes of Libya, Al-Warfella in control, Trying to fix the phone, Bodies scattered in Misrata, Even children are not safe
Al-Warfella and in control of Libya's security forces personnel, called on Gaddafi to stand down.Al-Warfella and in control of Libya's security forces personnel, called on Gaddafi to stand down.Apr 25.
Al-Warfella and in control of Libya's security forces personnel, called on Gaddafi to stand down.
Akram al-Warfelli, a leading figure of the Warfella tribe, one of Libya's largest, called for Qadhafi to stand down.
. Right now, revolutionaries are also trying to fix the phone lines and electrical transformers and transmission lines that were completely destroyed by Gaddafi
sammy_83: Misrata update: Gaddafi forces bombarded Qasr Ahmed today (civilian area) as well as Misrata's port, which led to th death of some civiliansfairuz_online Just nowmore retweet favorite reply sammy_83: Misrata update: As for the revolutionaries, they continued to clean the city today and cle
Bodies scattered in Misrata streets - Mon Apr 25, 2011
Bodies scattered in Misrata streets after battleMon Apr 25, 2011 3:16pm GMT Print | Single Page[-] Text [+]* Intense bombardment overnight, several killed* Some of bloodiest fighting of the siege over weekend* Gaddafi forces appear to pull back to outskirts(Adds quotes, details)By Hamid Ould AhmedAL
There are about 30 tribes, Magariha tribe from the west has the strongest and longest allegiance to Gaddafi
There are about 30 tribes or family clans considered significant in Libya .Not everyone in Libya has a tribal affiliation. About 15% are Turkish, Egyptian, Sub-Saharan and other non-Arab groups such as Berbers. Libya has its modern-thinking youth like any country.
Tribes of Libya according to the chronology of Mariette some 4200 years BC
Libya - TribesA key factor in maintaining Muammar Qadhafi's regime has been his manipulation of Libya's tribal allegiances, much as Saddam Hussein did in Iraq. By Libyan standards, Qadhafi's own tribe, the Ghadafa [Qadhadhfah], is a small and insignificant tribe.
We the women of Tripoli, have decided, that we the lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, housewives, students, etc. support of the February 17th revolutionary
Announcement for the Women of the Capital, Tripoli English translation: April 24, 2011In the name of God, this is an announcement of Tripoli’s women, we are the women of the capital Tripoli, we pray for God’s mercy upon the revolution’s martyrs, may God accept them in the gates of His Heavens, and
Al-Qaeda Threat of Nuclear Attack Detailed in Guantanamo Files via WikiLeaks
Al-Qaeda Threat of Nuclear Attack Detailed in Guantanamo Files via WikiLeaksApril 25, 2011 10:55 AM EDTWikiLeaks continues to release “secret” government files to major publishers. It is not yet clear how history will describe Julian Assange’s work to bring government documents into public view.
Even children are not safe during the strife as Gaddafi uses violence to try to maintain power. There are now reports of rapes against children in Misrata, Libya.
Save the Children Reports Gaddafi Militia Raping Children in LibyaApril 25, 2011 03:40 PM EDTcomments: 2The ongoing war crimes in Libya are widespread and horrifying. Even children are not safe during the strife as Gaddafi uses violence to try to maintain power.
Italy was one of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's best friends in Europe until his violent suppression of an uprising prompted the U.N. Security Council to pass a resolution authorizing the use of force to protect civilian lives.
Italy, which has been playing a limited role in NATO operations in Libya, decided on Monday that its air force will be allowed to bomb selected military targets in the former Italian colony. The surprise decision immediately opened a fresh crack in Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government, wi
Muammar Gaddafi was unhurt in a NATO airstrike (assassination attempt?) on his Bab al-Aziziyah compound
6:32pmReuters - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was unhurt in a NATO airstrike on his Bab al-Aziziyah compound that left three other people dead, a government spokesman said, calling it an assassination attempt. 3:14pmAl Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from the besieged city of Misurata, said that
Audio: Gaddafi forces jamming.NATO transmission
Audio: NATO Psyops transmission New NATO Psyops transmission 14:35 UTC, April 25 2011 on 10.405 KHz. USB with jamming by Gaddafi forces. The messages are shorter and more aggressive than before!NATO Psyops transmission 14:35 UTC, April 25 2011 on 10.405 KHz. USB with jamming by Gaddafi forces.
Situation in Yefren is worse than the doctor being killed, it appears that the town is now a ghost town, as more than 80% of population has left
Yefren Update, April 25, 2011Yefren Update – April 25, 2011 – 22:02-22:26 Chat with Dr Majdob, who has assessed the situations at hospitals in Libya’s Western Mountain region, including Nalut, Jadu and Zintan, and has been speaking with his contacts in the Western Mountains tonight.Question: Have yo
The government forces have been ordered to “clean” Zintan, he said, and he had little doubt about their ability to do so.
Berber Rebels in Libya, Colonel Qaddafi, he warned, “will kill us all.”  April 24, 2011 The town of Yafren, about 100 miles east of Nalut, was reported to have been captured by government forces over the weekend. But by then the town was all but deserted.
- Muammar Gaddafi is 'alive and well
GADDAFI is ok,  said to be  FINE,  after NATO RAID, 3  CIVILIAN VICTIMS 18:16 April 25, 2011  (AGI) Tripoli. - Muammar Gaddafi is 'alive and well and is' in good spirits. The announcement was made after a spokesman for the NATO bombing of yet another last night in Tripoli, Colonel of the bunker in
18:51 April 25, 2011 (AGI) Misurata - Libyan rebel sources announce They Have Expelled Colonel Gaddafi's forces from Misurata, But say the town is still under heavy bombardment. "Violent combat is still going on in the western suburbs, But the rest of the town is clear." There are also "Gaddafi's so
Mon April 25--Is it a blow off top? That is the question on the Street Monday in the wake of July Comex silver's surge to pennies below the psychologically significant $50.00 an ounce level,
Silver Reverses Hard after hitting new 31yr high $49.84 25 April 2011, 12:02 p.m. By Kitco News http://www.kitco.com/ (Kitco News) - Mon April 25--Is it a blow off top? That is the question on the Street Monday in the wake of July Comex silver's surge to pennies below the psychologically signific
Refugees fleeing Libya's Western Mountains told of heavy bombardment by Muammar Gaddafi's forces
Libyan mountain refugees tell of fearsome assaultMon Apr 25, 2011 2:09pm GMT Print | Single Page[-] Text [+]* Heavy shelling in Western Mountains towns* Some 30,000 refugees have fled to southern Tunisia* Region's Berber people long distrusted by GaddafiBy Tarek Amara DEHIBA-WAZIN BORDER CROSSING, A
Brutal treatment by the sons of al-Gaddafi, the Libyan people
Brutal treatment by the sons of al-Gaddafi, the Libyan peoplealmanaramedia 204 videos SubscribeOne hundred eighty-six views Like Add to Share Uploaded by Almanaramedia on Apr 25, 2011
Families who fled the some of the bitterest fighting in Libya have told Save the Children that children as young as eight, have been sexually assaulted in front of family members.
Child Solders sent by Gaddafi to fight Libyam Rebels, 'Children raped in front of families' Saturday 23 April 2011 A 16-year-old boy tells reporter Ruth Sherlock how Gaddafi loyalists forced him and other youths to fight the rebels on the front line of Misrata's bitter siege. Sixteen-year-old Mu
An enclave of the Berber minority, mistrusted and neglected by Col.Muammar el-Qaddafi’s Arab nationalist government, the region’s isolated hamlets were among the first to join the uprising,
Berber Rebels in Libya’s West Face Long Odds Against QaddafiBy SCOTT SAYAREPublished: April 24, 2011RECOMMEND TWITTER SIGN IN TO E-MAIL PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE DHIBA BORDER CROSSING, Tunisia — For decades, the remote mountains of western Libya have simmered with resentment.
Letter by Lib. govt. indicating Gaddafi still alive after NATO airstrike last night.
#libya. Letter by Lib. govt. indicating Gaddafi still alive after NATO airstrike last night.
Rrebels claim they have retaken 80% of Misratah. but Gaddafi forces, hostilities continue
While rebels claim they have retaken 80% of the coastal town, which is hemmed in on three sides by Gaddafi forces, hostilities continue, according to Sky's Alex Crawford, who is reporting from Misratah."Whatever they claim the shelling goes on, despite the claims," Crawford said. On Sunday rebels i

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