In my opinion Bon Laden has been dead for years now. But that is just an opinion not the absolute truth.
@LowkeyMusic1 well he has suffered from kidney diseases.....its what i think too
@LowkeyMusic1 I agree. But how dare we doubt Obama? He slapped Trump down emphatically. It's a good time to say 'We got bin Laden' PRwise
@LowkeyMusic1 that's one theory. But then that implies the Al qaeda was all real..which I highly doubt
@LowkeyMusic1 thts wot I was thinkin as he had medical problems like problems wiv his liver afta bein shot, except I fink dey were hidin him
@LowkeyMusic1 in my opinion he has never existed. It really doesn't matter at all. But it's just an opinion. =]
@LowkeyMusic1 there's very little chance we'll ever know the truth about the past 24hours
@LowkeyMusic1 US media now saying that pictures are there and will be released shortly. Don't think that will kill your doubt though?