Live report from Misrata: Gaddafi forces violated NFZ with helicopter attack
May 6, 2011, 4 pm local time: following yesterday’s helicopter attack on Misrata, new details have emerged from eyewitnesses (key points translated within the video and summary below)
Key points:
- Freedom fighers asked Nato about these 2 helicopters.
- Nato replied those were Red Cross helicopters.
- Injured eyewitnesses confirmed that they had Red Cross markings on them.
- During the attack, freedom fighters tried to fight the helicopters away with light weapons (heavy weapons not allowed in port area)
- Helicopters released mines in the harbour. Number relatively important, type unknown. Small parachute attached to them. Picture released.
- Mine experts called to clean the area: 50 were removed this morning. Harbor has been secured.
- Eyewitnesses injuries are minor.
- Video footage of car damaged by mines will be released shortly.