Tripoli update: People are expecting strikes on Mutassim and Aysha Gaddafi's houses in Tripoli (AlHani district and AlDul street) #libya
@Stone_SkyNews Hi, there are rumors that Mutassim Gaddafi diedin Brega bunker & that Saif al Islam is wounded in Tunisia. Can youconfirm?
@Stone_SkyNews @ChangeInLibya Rumor has it that Saif, Saidi& Mutassim moved out of Regatta (where they lived). Have youheard this?
#France24 - Press: قراءة في الصحافة العالمية: في صحف اليوم الأربعاء 18 ماي...
@red_rogers Since our #EpicLibyanFriend, @feblib, is never aroundfor the drinking game, I'm tagging you in. 1 shot ea for Mutassim &Khamis
@FunGuerillaz What about the reports the Mutassim died? Did theofficer say when?
“Libyan Gen Mutassim died in NATO strike. Khamis died inKamikaze attack & Gaddafi shot his chief of staff for refusing orders”True?