hadeelalsh Hadeel Al-Shalchi
Another story I wrote from #Misrata: In battered Libya town, kids get a taste of normal tinyurl.com/6h4xt45 @AP
A few weeks ago, Ras Mouftah Elementary School in central Misrata was just another public building abandoned in the fight for this Libyan city. Now two dozen boys aged 4 to 9 are watching as the rebel tricolor unfurls from the school flagpole. Hands on their hearts, they struggle to sing along to a tape recording of the rebel anthem. Their backpacks are emblazoned with the words "Feb. 17 Revolution."
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/06/26/international/i031404D66.DTL#ixzz1QQlMhkM5
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/06/26/international/i031404D66.DTL#ixzz1QQlMhkM5
kir_T34 Кирилл Светицкий
PanAFNW: South African President Zuma Warns NATO Against Killing Libyan Leader: South African President ... http://bit.ly/k8brZG |#Libya
PeterClifford1 Peter Clifford
#Libya #Gaddafi to make offer of "talks very soon" says NTC Gaddafi releases 51 Opp.detainees via Red Cross.http://bit.ly/PCOLibya
robport Rob Port
Democrat Senator: Obama’s War In Libya Defies “Historical Precedent” http://goo.gl/fb/xNJJx
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Gaddafi's future 'not up for debate': says Libyan government spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya #Feb17
United4Libya LIBYAN