@emmaomo2011emmaomoCapturing of Albotama gate south of Mizdah could be by FF bani walid. Dont see how zintan FF could circumvent to the south to (cont) #Libya
Capturing of Albotama gate south of Mizdah could be by FF bani walid. Dont see how zintan FF could circumvent to the south to (cont) #Libya
emmaomo2011 emmaomo capture it without G thugs being aware of their movement. Strange things happen though #Libya
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
capture it without G thugs being aware of their movement. Strange things happen though #Libya
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
Capturing of Albotama gate south of Mizdah could be by FF bani walid. Dont see how zintan FF could circumvent to the south to (cont) #Libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
FFs captured Albotama bc it is junction 2 roads going 2 Mizdah - Tripoli 2 North & Bani Walid - Sirte 2 West!
perfectsliders perfectsliders
#libya #tripoli #feb17 From Qwaleesh Zintan FFs have captured Albotama a gate to the south of Mizdah, close 2 Assabahgoo.gl/QKNFV
RkMeldor Meldor
#Libya BREAKING NEWS: Zintan FFshave captured Albotama gate south Mizdah. http://goo.gl/fb/tDGjZ