Gaddafiforces are shelling thuwar positioned at outskirts of #Tijivillage w GRAD & multiple rocket launchers v @naut17feb #Libya #Nalut
RT @baysontheroad: #LIBYAGaddafi forces in Tiji are firing at Opp positions overlooking them with tanks, and Grad.
#Libya #Feb17: Summary of Maps FF'…#NALUT, images of thuwar tanks & pickups at Majabra crossroad(between Tiji and AlHawwamd)…“@javierespinosa2: #Nalut's hospital has received 2 dead and 4wounded at 5:00 pm from the fighting around Tiji #Nafusa #Libya”“@LIBYA_BREAKNEWS: BREAKING NEWS: Battles are onbetween the #FFs and #Gaddafi mercenaries in Tiji in the westernmountains. #Libya #feb17”employed by Aljazeera English. #AJE