@septimius_severseptimius severus
House rejects effort to prohibit funds for #Libya |chron.com/disp/story.mpl… -
WASHINGTON — The House has rejected an effort to prohibit funds for the U.S. military operation against Libya. The vote was 229-199 on Thursday. Republicans and Democrats had complained that the conflict was illegal because President Barack Obama had never sought congressional approval for the operation. The measure was offered to a $649 billion defense spending bill that wouldn't go into effect until Oct. 1. But the House turned back an amendment that would have barred the use of taxpayer dollars to continue U.S. participation in the NATO-led mission.
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Chinese diplomat met w NTC in Benghazi, see them as important dialogue partner. 2nd official meeting in a month. #Libyareuters.com/article/2011/0…
NewsInLibya News in Libya
#Libya 'looking to replace Eni': #Libya has turned to big Russian and Chinese firms to fill the void in the countrys... http://dlvr.it/ZK9sF
This man from Benghazi, who went on foot to fight in Misrata, died yesterday. Allah yar7ama. youtube.com/watch?v=URupiS… #libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Libya Freedom Fighters move to with 45 miles of Tripolishabablibya.org/?p=3742 #Libya
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli