Monday, July 4, 2011

Nafusa reaction to NTC offer to Gaddafi to resign &remain in power

septimius severus
 reaction to  offer to Gddafi to resign &remain in  NYtimes from 
The offer, which Mr. Abdul-Jalil said was made about a month ago through a United Nations envoy, appeared to be a tacit recognition — despite bluster on both sides — that neither Colonel Qaddafi nor his opponents seem likely to prevail militarily. The proposal highlighted the risks to the self-appointed opposition leaders, as some of their constituents reacted with outrage. The opposition leader, Mustapha Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the rebel Transitional National Council, said in an interview with Reuters in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi that “we offered that he can resign and order his soldiers to withdraw their barracks and positions, and then he can decide either to stay in Libya or abroad.”  “Either he leaves the country, or he goes to prison,” said Salah Ibrahim Eissa, who is from a town in the Nafusah Mountains region that has been attacked by Colonel Qaddafi’s forces in recent months. Another rebel leader, in Benghazi, Abdul Hafidh Ghoga, reacted quickly to the discontent by contradicting Mr. Abdul-Jalil, saying the proposal was “not part of any discussions on our part in negotiations,” according to The Associated Press.

 BNN News Int'l 
 russell renshaw 
 guess what 
 Souffian Tripoli 
 Souffian Tripoli 