Saturday, July 2, 2011

NATO intensifies raids in western Libya, Clinton urges Qaddafi to step down

Al Arabiya English
NATO intensifies raids in western Libya, Clinton urges Qaddafi to step down 


NATO has stepped up raids across western Libya in recent days, destroying 50 military targets to counter the build-up of Muammar Qaddafi’s forces near key cities, the alliance said Saturday. Round-the-clock operations have focused since Monday on a region that stretches from the Nafusa mountains near the Tunisian border to the western city of Misrata.
“We are engaging all military assets that are being used to indiscriminately target the civilian population throughout Libya,” said Lt Gen. Charles Bouchard, commander of NATO operations in Libya. “NATO continues to increase the pressure on the Qaddafi regime and to protect civilians, wherever they are under threat of attack,” he said.

The strikes have been carried out “in response to pro-Qaddafi forces massing in key urban areas and on major lines of communication” an alliance statement said. “This buildup poses a real threat to more than 1.8 million civilians living in the cities of Nalut, Tripoli, Gharyan, Al Khums and Misrata,” it said

 Big Joe 


 Captain Dreadlocke 

 Peter Clifford 

 Fairuz S 
