Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pics - Tens of thousands of Libyans poured into the streets in the cities of Benghazi and Misratah on Wednesday

Libya revolutionaries hold mass rallies 
Libya revolutionaries hold mass rallies

Libyans rally in the streets of Benghazi to call for an 

immediate end to the rule of Muammar Gaddafi's regime, July 6, 2011.
Supporters of the revolutionaries in Libya have staged mass demonstrations in major opposition strongholds, calling for the downfall of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Tens of thousands of Libyans poured into the streets in the cities of Benghazi and Misratah on Wednesday to show they remain determined to put an end to Gaddafi's four-decade rule, AFP reported. The demonstrations, which come five months into the armed struggle between revolutionaries and Gaddafi loyalists, called on the embattled dictator to immediately step down. The demonstrators said their rallies were aimed at sending a message to Tripoli and boosting the morale of revolutionaries. The protesters, who were waving flags, honking car horns and shouting pro-revolution slogans, also condemned the shelling of Misratah by the regime forces.

Libya NFSL
A BIG SALUTE! to calling for today's demonstrations, Libyans responded!! Shabab FGM are #1 !!  
The organizers of the Wednesday demonstrations said the move was also to prove Gaddafi wrong in his claims of enjoying a vast poplar support. Libya has been the scene of intense fighting between the country's revolutionaries and governmnet forces since mid-February. The deadly conflict has left scores of people dead. On 17 March, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1973 to impose a no-fly zone over Libya. The move opened the gate for NATO's air strikesagainst Tripoli and other cities. The US-led military alliance has admitted that its forces have killed civilians and wounded many others in the ongoing aerial attacks on key Libyan cities. The Western coalition has recently intensified its attacks on Libya in an alleged attempt to mount pressure on Gaddafi. MRS/MGH

C.J. Chivers
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