@serenac13Serena Chaudhry
Retracting tweet on #Turkeycutting diplomatic ties with #Gaddafi 's #Libya. Ambassador to#Tripoli has a new appt, no break in relations.
khald02 kha02
Turkey seizes control of Libyan-Turkish bank on Mondaydailystar.com.lb/Business/Middl… #Libya @ChangeInLibya @ShababLibya
khald02 kha02
Turkey seizes control of Libyan-Turkish bank on Mondaydailystar.com.lb/Business/Middl… #Libya #Feb17
ReccaKurosaa Recca Kurosaa
Turkey freezes Libyan asset - Turkey froze Libya's holdings in a Turkish bank on Monday, a day after it recognized...http://dlvr.it/YtWlG
corobi_oki corobi_oki
“ADVISORY-Story on Turkey cutting ties with Libya is withdrawn” http://goo.gl/ggdsP -Reuters んっとにトルコは...
tameryazar Tamer Yazar
debkafile DEBKAfile News
- Turkey freezes Libyan bank assets Monday after recognizingLibya's rebel administration, quietly removing ambassador from Tripoli
NewsMiddleEast Middle East News
Turkey cuts diplomatic ties with Gaddafi's Libya http://bit.ly/jBD51v
russiaherald Russia Herald
Turkey officially recalls ambassador to Libya, cuts ties with Gadaffihttp://tf.to/xxMq
khald02 kha02
ADVISORY-Story on Turkey cutting ties with Libya is withdrawnaf.reuters.com/article/libyaN… #Libya #Feb17