Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week in Review - G-SMS's, Said being Said, Brega Oil Facilities not damaged, on edge of Zilten and Miskah

Our ride into Jebel Nafusa

@libyansrevoltLibyans RevoltOur ride into Jebel Nafusa #libya #feb17 this media TwitPic29 minutes ago via TwitpicFavorite Retweet ReplyRetweeted by jjiaamud
Jul 20

G-SMS Tranlated: today we proceed to implement the decision of the Ajeelat Million man march to go to the Nafousa mts to liberate

@2011feb17Tweeting TripoliURGENT: SMS sent by Gaddafi to Tripoli this morning (July 19th).
Jul 19

@IvanCNNIvan WatsonLibyan government threatens to turn oil city into "hell" rather than let it fall into rebel hands "Defending Brega is so vital to the livelihood of the Libyan nation," Ibrahim said. "We will turn Brega into hell.
Jul 18

Oil facilities NOT sabotaged rebels moving ahead slowly FF walking through it's streets. 200 GF cornered

@dessiegrantDes Grant#libya #feb17” Oil facilities NOT sabotaged . Prefect . Streets have mines , teams clearing Brega Streets of mines. @dessiegrantDes Grant@ChangeInLibya @libyatv Ira over . Brega is Free.FF walking through it's streets.
Jul 18

G ttoops at Bisir 20Km from Brega, F artillery battery firing on#Gaddafi's forces outside #Bregawith 4 152mm Howitzers

@gigarevoltgigarevoltVideo: FF artillery battery firing on#Gaddafi's forces outside #Bregawith 4 152mm Howitzers #Feb17 #LibyaFlag this media  YouTube @gigarevoltgigarevoltVideo: FFs firing Grad rockets at #Gaddafi's forces near
Jul 17

Summary Libya

Guiiii_ Guilherme Mello™ ✔  Heavy casualties reported in Libya fighting (Reuters): FRONT LINE NEAR BIR GHANAM, Libya (Reuters) - Ten Libyan... minutes ago  Ahmed, a rebel fighter in Bir Ayad, said a convoy of about 15 vehicles from Gaddafi’s forces tried to approach Bir Ghana
Jul 16

Tripoli is 2:30 AM on Saturday, 16 July 2011

@TimeInLibyaTime In Libya The current time in Tripoli is 2:30 AM on Saturday, 16 July 2011
Jul 15

PRESS TV says - Libyan revolutionaries capture oil town. Freedom Fighters - Battle for Brega 14/07/2011,

@freelibyanewsfreelibyanewsLibyan Freedom Fighters - Battle for Brega 14/07/2011 معارك البريقة: Libyan Freedom Fighters -... #libya #youtubeFlag this media  YouTube10 minutes ago via twitterfeedFavorite Retweet Reply perfectsliders perfectsliders  VIDEO #libya #tripoli #feb17 F
Jul 15

Can't take Brega, on edge of Zliten, Miska furthest west in mountains so far, some kids back at school

Week in Review, Brega Asabeak, Maska, Misrata, Zintan amd a video from Garylan @CarterTroyTroy CarterRebels in east face heavy opposition, can't take Brega just… #LibyaFromJoanne Joanne @ @Wessimsara No the FF are still outside #Brega but moving again #Libya1 hour ago Favo