Press Conference Libya - Why don't Journalists question NATO's Bombardments? (August 4, 2011) - YouTube
“Press Conference #Libya : Why don't Journalist question #NATO 's Bombardments - Video via @Waterput #Libyen ”
Libya rebels push to recapture oil-rich Brega - YouTube
“Libyan rebels say they have launched a fresh assault to retake coastal oil town of #Brega. #Libya #Feb17 ”
اسود طرابلس يخاطبون اهلهم في طرابلس و الطاغية - YouTube
“Lions of #Tripoli let Gaddafi know that they are coming for him. "10 of Gaddafi's for every martyr." #Libya ”
17,000 Members Strong and Our Message is One: FREE LIBYA! - YouTube
“Bahrain: 17,000 Members Strong and Our Message is One: FREE LIBYA!, see more ”
Libya: Leonor - Nato war crimes, current situation, 7 August 2011 - YouTube
“#Libya: Eyewitness Leonor - #Nato war crimes, current situation, 7. August 2011 - Video #Libyen ”
توقيف 5 شاحنات محملة بالوقود متجهة لدعم الطاغية - YouTube
“Video of the 5 lorries stopped in #Tunis were trying to smuggle Fuel into #Libyafor the 'Desperate' #Gaddafi forces ”
ثوار زليتن يشتبكون مع كتائب الطاغية في ضواحي المدينة 3 - YouTube
“#Zlitan another video of today on the outskirts of Town By the sound of it there is plenty ammo #Libya #Libya ”
الثوار يلقون القبض على مرتزقة من تشاد فى بئر غنم - YouTube
“برق|ليبيا| الثوار يلقون القبض على مرتزقة من تشاد فى بئر الغنم #libya#feb17 ”