Libyan rebel forces "in control of Az-Zawiyah, Surman, Agilette and Gharyan", spokesman tells Al Jazeera. aje.me/jQEpiq
Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley has just been reporting live from Brega, where he says that rebel forces claim they control two-thirds of the city. The remaining one-third, however, contains the industrial area and the oil terminal, which when in operation pumped out about $35 million a day in oil. He said that there is evidence of heavy fighting and casualties, and that the area has been strewn with mines. Libyan rebels have clashed with Gaddafi's forces around oil installations in the eastern town of Brega, AFP reports. Residential zone III, in the east of the town, was under total rebel control. The streets of the town are littered with ammunition casings and the burnt out remnants of Gaddafi forces' vehicles that were bombed by NATO airstrikes. Plumes of black smoke can be seen billowing across the sky as oil tankers were set on fire by pro-Gaddafi forces, the rebels say.The coastline, meanwhile, remains booby-trapped with mines laid by government forces in a bid to deter any attacks from the sea.
Was reported @2011feb17 2 days ago Khweldi's #Surman house was burned although I dont understand since Nato bombed long ago#Libya
@pdanaharbbc Tour of Surman #Libya with revolutionaries RT @LibyaAlHurraTV facebook.com/video/video.ph…
[Mixed feeling abt this vid, hope they let'em go home] G soldiers captured in battles for Surman & Zawiya youtube.com/watch?v=KSMc6M… #Libya #Feb17