@EndTyranny101Ahmed Sanalla
#Gaddafi fires scud missile at rebel territory, #Nato braces itself for final violent showdown via The Telegraph tgr.ph/qZhv6C #Libya
The rebels were attempting to identify the trajectory of the missile which was fired from Col Gaddafi's stronghold of Sirte even as his envoys headed for new talks with the opposition and a United Nations special envoy in Tunisia. Col Muammar Gaddafi's Libyan government appeared to be preparing for a last violent final showdown after it emerged that his beleaguered regime had fired a Scud missile at rebel territory as opposition forces closed in on
MaurBarakat Barakat4freeLibya
US Military Says Colonel Gaddafi Forces Fire First Scud Ballistic Missile Against Rebels Near Brega news.sky.com/home/article/1…#Feb17 #Libya
The US military revealed forces loyal to Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi have fired a scud missile near Brega, the Associated Press has reported. The missile launch against rebels marks the first use of a tactical ballistic weapon by Gaddafi's troops since the conflict started last March.A warship off the coast monitored the launch from Col Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte. No one is believed to have been hurt in the incident.

southsquatch Harry Southsquatch
“@Drudge_Report: Gadhafi fires first scud missile... I thought we were out of Libya after a week you mean we're still involved.
mapocoloco Tom Looby
US confirms Libya fired scud missile at rebels - Telegraphtgr.ph/pRWlrO via @breakingnews
gaddafDOTly Gaddaf.ly
RT @carolv27 @Proudlibyandoc @al_omari any chance you heard the SCUD missile launched today? gaddaf.com/3aJUDH
feenixUK Feenix
@mandaproud #Scud #Sirte #Brega Libya still has approximately 10 tons of the deadly blister agent left in it… (cont)deck.ly/~3eHF8
carolv27 Carol Viana
@Proudlibyandoc @al_omari any chance you heard the SCUDmissile launched today? telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
#Gaddafi fires scud missile at rebel territory, #Nato braces itself for final violent showdown via The Telegraph tgr.ph/qZhv6C #Libya
corobi_oki corobi_oki
“Col Gaddafi fires scud missile at rebel territo...”http://ow.ly/63Vuu -Telegraph すごくわかりやすい記事 Nassr al-Mabrouk Abdullahの経歴にも触れてるしスカッドの種類にも
MaurBarakat Barakat4freeLibya
US Military Says Colonel Gaddafi Forces Fire First Scud Ballistic Missile Against Rebels Near Brega news.sky.com/home/article/1…#Feb17 #Libya
chazzpm charles paez monzon
RT @BreakingNews: US confirms Libya fired scud missile at rebels - Telegraph tgr.ph/pRWlrO
roryfeehan Rory Feehan
Gaddafi launches scud missiles.I've said it before,he'll use everything before he'll cede power. #libya
mattwm Matt
Any1 remember #Libya being on the "Axis of Evil"..? Qaddafi launching Scud Missiles is a huge development #MiddleEast @UKMilOps #NATO