rolandotelesur: #OTAN mata varios rebeldes en bombardeo ciudad de Badr cerca Zintan, mientras unos 20 rebeldes en Túnez esperan transfusiones de sangre. 14 hours ago 10 retweet
libyanewmedia: Is it not the time to try something new on the eastern front. Seems like they could really use some commanders from Zintan. #Libya2 hours ago 3 retweet
changeinlibya: Latest joke: Gaddafi State TV: "Our brave armed forces have liberated Zintan"... once again, in their dreams maybe. #libya #feb176 minutes ago 3 retweet
Photo: A Libyan boy at a checkpoint near Zintan holds his cousins rifle. Libyan Rebels in the western Nafusa...“Photo: A Libyan boy at a checkpoint near Zintan holds his cousins rifle. Libyan Rebels in the western Nafusa.. ”
ليبيا فقط | الثوار داخل ترهونة 16-8 - YouTube
“video frm tarhuna on 16/8/2011, chanting tarhuna and zintan are brothers, showing them stamping on gaddafi photo #libya ”
wheelertweets: @wheelertweets When Wael saw me tonite, he called out "James! Hi James!" But we'd never seen each other. He heard about me in #Zintan. Wow.12 hours ago 4 retweet
libyansrevolt: Got some reports that Alkhwaildy Al Hamaidy was captured and now held in #Zintan - can anyone confirm this? #libya #feb1726 minutes ago 4 retweet
malikalabdeh: #Libya latest: first deliveries of fuel reach #Zintan from #Zawiyah oil refinery recently captured by #FF.22 hours ago 3 retweet
emmaomo2011: #Zintan Mil. Council denies reports that Khweldi was captured via zintan media #Libya16 minutes ago retweet
Welcome to Facebook! | Facebook“Rats of Amazigh and Zintan run for cover at the front line near El-Gualish as our heroes start attacking them to.. ”