Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last 24hrs #Zintan LATEST first deliveries of fuel reach Zintan from #Zawiyah oil refinery recently captured by #FF.

rolandotelesur#OTAN mata varios rebeldes en bombardeo ciudad de Badr cerca Zintan, mientras unos 20 rebeldes en Túnez esperan transfusiones de sangre. 14 hours ago 10 
libyanewmediaIs it not the time to try something new on the eastern front. Seems like they could really use some commanders from Zintan#Libya2 hours ago 3 
changeinlibyaLatest joke: Gaddafi State TV: "Our brave armed forces have liberated Zintan"... once again, in their dreams maybe. #libya #feb176 minutes ago 3 

‫ليبيا فقط | الثوار داخل ترهونة 16-8‬‎ - YouTube

“video frm tarhuna on 16/8/2011, chanting tarhuna and zintan are brothers, showing them stamping on gaddafi photo #libya ”
wheelertweets@wheelertweets When Wael saw me tonite, he called out "James! Hi James!" But we'd never seen each other. He heard about me in #Zintan. Wow.12 hours ago 4 
libyansrevoltGot some reports that Alkhwaildy Al Hamaidy was captured and now held in #Zintan - can anyone confirm this? #libya #feb1726 minutes ago 4 
malikalabdeh#Libya latest: first deliveries of fuel reach #Zintan from #Zawiyah oil refinery recently captured by #FF.22 hours ago 3 
emmaomo2011#Zintan Mil. Council denies reports that Khweldi was captured via zintan media #Libya16 minutes ago