#Gaddafi forces fired 8 Grad rockets on the eastern part of #Misrata few min ago . #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddaficrimes
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
4Adam Adam
Khamis Gaddafi, the 32nd Brigade commander trying to boost morale among his already defeated soldiers youtube.com/watch?v=GeH0ab… #Libya #Misrata
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
wheelertweets James Wheeler
@wheelertweets Mustafa is a great example of a hardworking family escort. He's taken care of 2 injured brothers here. FFs fr #Misrata #Libya
LibyanGirlyGirl Fadwa
Never gonna forget this video &how I felt when I saw it on TV -- أول مظاهرة لثورة 17 فبراير في مصراته youtube.com/watch?v=-GcEnv… | #Libya #Misrata♥
United4Libya LIBYAN
#NATO and #Libya - Mine Clearance in and Around Port ofMisrata youtube.com/watch?v=j5AeNA… via @youtube
gracesanny2 Fiona O'Shaughnessey