pdanaharbbc: AP: dozens of #feb17 fighters surrounding 100 #Gaddafi troops at #Zawiyah oil refinery#Libya #Misrata #Benghazi6 hours ago 8 retweet
libya--- All Libyans urged to adhere to international human rights and international humanitarian law --
us2.campaign-archive1.com/?id=2b0e21fbb5&u=3b8835ce1b379ddbf1ffffdf8LIBYA - News | Peter Clifford Online
petercliffordonline.com/libya-2/#Libya: #Misrata is Liberated | From Tahrir Square | Scoop.it
scoop.it/t/from-tahrir-square/p/381883084/libya-misrata-is-liberatedfcukruna: #WorstThingInTheWorld: telling children that their father has been killed by #gaddafi forces.#Libya #Misrata5 hours ago 2 retweet
U.S. Marines fighting with rebels in Misurata. - 12160
12160.info/video/u-s-marines-fighting-with-rebels-in-misurata?xg_source=shorten_twitterEthnic Cleansing of Black Libyans: Misrata, Tawergha" - #Libya #racist #rebels ( )
t.co/VPeewEa“"Ethnic Cleansing of Black Libyans: Misrata, Tawergha" - #Libya #racist #rebels ( http://t.co/VPeewEa ) ”