riafarinas RiaChristina Fariñas
@paulocoelho RT @mchancecnn Here's the picture I took sitting next to #Saif #Gadhafi! Certainly not detained! Exclusive!pic.twitter.com/ORHCV5D
Smiffysmate Smiffy's Wife
Benghazialibica Benghazia Tellesia
10_shady_10 Shady mohamed
youtube.com/watch?v=JFZSxT… سيف الإسلام القذافي حراً في شوارع طرابلس - 23 أغسطس 2011 #lybia #Qadafi #Saif
chashomans Charles Homans
WTF ICC? RT @mchancecnn Here's the picture I took sitting next to #Saif #Gadhafi! Certainly not detained! Exclusive! pic.twitter.com/1h0Fcgo
AndyMascola Andy Mascola
john_dry John Dry
true or no? MT @mchancecnn Here's the pic I took next to #Saif #Gadhafi! Not detained! Exclusive!! #cnn #libya bit.ly/oP037C
hameditor Yochonon Donn
Could be a double, heard of Saddam? RT @mchancecnn: Here's the picture I took sitting next to #Saif #Gadhafi! Certainly not detained!
QuietGargoyle QuietGargoyle
libyafidammi libya fidammi