Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gaddafi Friendly Site Reports - Another attempt to attack #BaniWalid failed #Nato rebels bear heavy losses

Note - the following article is 
from the Gaddafi perspective
Gaddafi Friendly Site Reports todays invasion has failed. 
The things to note are that they are acknowledging that 
there is fighting inside Bani Walid, and there is something 
they are valling zero hour that they say is fast approaching

Another attempt to attack  failed  rebels bear heavy losses    


Reports suggest that NATO militiamen made another attempt to take over Bani Walid, but end up in failure, took heavy casualties and retreated again. It is yet unknown how many were killed in this latest assault or how many injured.
NATO has been bombing the town indiscriminately to pave the way for its militias, but the Libyan Army and the will of the Libyan people have stopped any advances in the town. NATO militias have stated multiple times that they will take over Bani Walid in two hours, but for the past two weeks they have met nothing but failure, defeat and humiliation, because after every defeat, they have to beg NATO once again to start the terror operations, hoping that Libyans might surrender and submit to NATO.
This comes after Moussa Ibrahim vowed that all of Libya will be liberated and that more forces are being gathered which hints to the fast approaching Zero Hour. NATO militias are in a state of panic due to and have started fighting against each other.