Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NATO stays, A new Libyan government will be announced shortly, #Sabha is in their hands

Zohaib Ahmed
NATO stays in Libya - -   
A new Libyan government will be announced shortly, according to a spokesman for the transitional Council.
At the same time extends NATO mission in Libya by three months, said a NATO diplomat.
The decision was taken at a meeting between representatives of the 28 NATO countries.
It is the second time is extended since NATO took over responsibility for the operation on 31 March.
According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari suggested European special forces, together with the Libyan rebels against Muammar Gaddafi.
- It was not just air strikes against Tripoli and other cities. I can tell you that there were special forces there, European, who fought on the ground against Gaddafi, said Zebari during a meeting at the think tank Council on Foreign Relations in New York.
Media has previously reported that French and British special forces participated in fighting alongside NATO's air campaign. London and Paris, however, has not confirmed the information.
Transitional National Council, argued during the night that the city Sabha is in their hands - and that a new government will be announced shortly.
- The government will be announced within a week, maximum ten days, says the transitional Council's second husband Mahmoud Jibril, adding that portfolios can be shared between eastern and western part of the country.
Meanwhile hospital sources said that at least 45 soldiers of the rebel forces have been killed and over 200 injured during the ongoing offensive against the toppled dictator Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte. Injured were taken to hospitals in Misrata, about 15 mil east of Sirte. But they said to now be full and the most critically injured are sent abroad because of health care.